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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • So to be clear, what you are saying is that the USA should spend more in roads and less in public transport right? Because the USA is so special that you poor things just have no more options.

    Fuck man, even here in Bogotá we are finally building a metro, and yes the work for it had fucked traffic even more. And for years we have been taking roads away from cars to use them for buses (see what transmilenio is) and bycicles. And guess what, it has been a fucking uphill battle every step of the way for morons like you who just love their fucking cars. Is Bogotá traffic good? Fuck no. Is public transport great here? Hahahaha, god no. But we are making progress despite morons like you. But you people keep your excuses, you poor morons and your american exceptionalism. Even the third world is leaving you behind hahaha, is kind of pathetic, specially because is people like you holding your country back.

  • First of all my man, I was responding to your comment about “people complaining about roads” in the USA. I’m just pointing out how the people that complain about that are part of the problem. As the comment you replied pointed out, one of the main problems the USA have is that they do invest in infrastructure. Is just that they invest in the dumbest possible transport infrastructure possible, roads for cars. Your comment is ridiculous in that context, its’s basically “yeah, and they should invest even more in roads” hahahahahaha, come on man.

    Second, at some point you americans need to start taking responsibility of your governmment and elected officials. IMO this particular problem is caused by the voters, and you people loveee to blame your politicians like you are the only country with crappy politicians. Be honest with yourself, what do you think will happen to a politician that campaigns on removing lanes from cars to create dedicated lanes for buses in the USA? Or a politician campaining on moving funds from road development to rails development? Etc, etc. It’s a career killing move for a politician in the USA, you people love your cars hahahaha.

    The real problem is that you people don’t want public transport. Or rather, you want public transport but magically without affecting your cars infrastructure. So politicians have no incentive to invest in public transit, quite the opposite.

  • But how many are actually willing to give up cars and use public transport instead if given the choice? In my experience, most people want to be able to continue using their cars but with glowing roads and little traffic hahahaha. That’s what we mean when we say people are car-brained, most people want magic solutions to be able to continue to use their stupid, contaminating, inneficient cars. EVs will fix the contamination hahaha. And another lane will fix traffic for sure hahaha. These people are just too dumb to realize that it’s literally impossible to do what they want once you have areas with “high” population density. Instead, as you just mentioned, most people just complain like dumbasses like that’s good for anything.

  • Ok, I’m going to assume you are honestly confused here. Though I’m autistic too dude, please don’t use that as an excuse. Your problem here is reading comprehension, not autism. There are no social cues to miss here.

    The only thing in my comments about you is the fact that no, I don’t think I should be polite when someone is saying stupid and harmful shit like the original comment (not you) was saying. They are being rude with their actions, so they don’t get any respect from my words, period. And you too, to a lesser extent. Even if you don’t realize it, your comments boil down to “you may be right, but you were rude so I’m going to act as if you were wrong”. This is a harmful position to take, and it’s the position all these stupid centrists take to justify doing nothing and maintaining the status quo.

    Everything else is not about you obviously hahaha. I mean, you didn’t really say anything worth discussing beyond ponting out how inpolite I was hahaha.

  • I called it a stupid take because it was a stupid take. I’m sorry the truth hurts. And to be honest, I’m not interested in having a conversation here. I just wanted to point out how stupid that comment was so people who are actually insterested in being informed can start reading about these topics.

    And finally, fuck you too as a treat hahahaha. Seriously, what are you cobtributing to the conversation here? Because too me you are just distracting us with your noral superiority whule ignoring the very serious issues I was mentioning. Downvote me for not being polite, who gives a fuck about fake internet points. As long as some people reading my comment actually go and read about this I don’t give a fuck hahahaha.

  • Jesus christ, what an stupid take lol. Just recently they tried to put Guaido in charge in Venezuela (who had support from Colombian paramilitary groups too). And let’s not forget how they took Evo down in Bolivia a few years ago over voting fraud allegations, which later turned out to be just statistical analysis mistakes. And they put that awful woman in charge who commited at least 2 massacres against protesters after taking power. And they are backing Milei and Bukele in Argentina and Salvador. And they are punishing Colombia financially for daring to pick Petro as president. And …

    Don’t get me wrong, fuck Evo and Maduro for trying to stay in power forever. And Maduro for sure is a left wing dictator. But go fuck yourself with that propaganda, the USA can’t stop fucking with us latin americans. Educate yourself before talking.

  • trollbearpig@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldThat's 3 for 3
    20 days ago

    Look at this guy posts people. He’s just one of the many Milei shills being paid by his fucking government. Lemmy is getting pretty bad with this kind of shit, there are a lot of these single issue accounts with a few “random” posts and comments to give them legitimacy. Sometimes is very hard to know, but this account is pretty blatant. Like most of his posts and comments are pro Milei bullshit “news”. This is going to break this platform, and it’s worrying seeing this so fast in a platform this small.

  • And Apple has earned any trust? Jesus christ people, like less than 2 months ago they were caught restoring “deleted” photos from iCloud to user devices hahahahaha. Of course fans were excusing them talking about disk sectors like that has anything to do with cloud storage being available accidentally hahahaha.

    But yeah, Apple cult followers will find a way to justify surrendering even more freedom to Apple with this BS for sure. And they will be paying top dollar for the pleasure hahahaha.

  • What a load of BS hahahaha. LLMs are not conversation engines (wtf is that lol, more PR bullshit hahahaha). LLMs are just statistical autocomplete machine. Literally, they just predict the next token based on previous tokens and their training data. Stop trying to make them more than they are.

    You can make them autocomplete a conversation and use them as chatbots, but they are not designed to be conversation engines hahahaha. You literally have to provide everything in the conversation, including the LLM previous outputs to the LLM, to get them to autocomplete a coherent conversation. And it’s just coherent if you only care about shape. When you care about content they are pathetically wrong all the time. It’s just a hack to create smoke and mirrors, and it only works because humans are great at anthropomorphizing machines, and objects, and …

    Then you go to compare chatgpt to literally the worst search feature in google. Like, have you ever met someone using the I’m feeling lucky button in Google in the last 10 years? Don’t get me wrong, fuck google and their abysmal search quality. But chatgpt is not even close to be comparable to that, which is pathetic.

    And then you handwave the real issue with these stupid models when it comes to search results. Like getting 10 or so equally convincing, equally good looking, equally full of bullshit answers from an LLM is equivalent to getting 10 links in a search engine hahahaha. Come on man, the way I filter the search engine results is by reputation of the linked sites, by looking at the content surrounding the “matched” text that google/bing/whatever shows, etc. None of that is available in an LLM output. You would just get 10 equally plausible answers, good luck telling them apart.

    I’m stopping here, but jesus christ. What a bunch of BS you are saying.

  • I get that. But then I don’t go to car forums to complain about my car and then get mad when they suggest my car is shit and I need to change it hahahaha. My point is, these people only want to complain instead of fixing things, and it’s very annoying. Don’t get me wrong, they can complain as much as they want as far as I care. But I wish they would complain somewhere else, it’s just noise if they are not willing to do anything.