Want more GNU in Linux, so Guix, btw. पूंजीपति will be sent to corrective labour camp.

  • 100 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 3rd, 2023


  • The RAM and storage choices are poor. Unless you’re planning to upgrade to 32GB in the nearest future, do not get a 1x16GB RAM configuration - the performance drop for single-channel is negligible for normal use. Honesty, you won’t need that, given the use-case. Stick to 2x8GB. If you’re just taking notes, do you even need 2x8GB? I highly doubt it, maybe 2x4GB could be enough?

    About the storage, get at least the 512GB, or the 1TB variant. I have a 128GB SSD, and it is just not enough - I have to delete files at the end of every week.

    Too bad they don’t sell a 7440U CPU, if that’s what you’re looking for. In fact, no device out there has a 7440U, excluding gaming handheld with the rebranded X1 alias.

  • TL:DR; No, I hate the USA.

    The world isn’t black and white. I agree with some of the reasons I like the USA in the comments over here - like subculture, universities, research institutes, etc, but I want to discuss about what I don’t like.

    As a South Asian, I feel grateful that we have governance over our own land by our own people. I can’t help but pity and empathize with the aboriginal folks and native Americans, whose right over their own sacred lands were snatched, their lakes polluted, and mountains defiled, their tradition destroyed, and them being treated like third-class citizens in their own land. Long ago, they were nomads, but today, based on what side of the border they ended up in, they’re either natives or illegal immigrants.

    I hate the tone-deaf white defaultism, I hate it’s genocidal campaign and foreign interference, and worst of all, I hate how it still enables exploitation and wage-theft.

    And what I hate even more is shoving down everyone’s throat like a clockwork about how groups opposing them were bad. Obviously, for example, the Nazis were bad, no doubt about it, but addressing so in a way so as to ignore your own terrible past absolves the crimes of the collective West, which is quite convenient for the imperialist empire.

    Now, let me break it down - the amount of crimes under the Old Glory or the Union Jack exceeds far more than that under the Nazi flag. But someone decided that the Old Glory or the Union Jack aren’t hate symbols, but singled out on the Nazi flag. Being a PoC in America must suck so much, imagine having to see that disgusting hate symbol that enslaved your ancestors, bombed houses and dropped chemical agents on farms.

  • But that logic makes no sense, tbf, given how container was way back in BSD. I like how it is a balanced choice between an ephemeral environment and virtualization.

    If we are talking about how NodeJS is the biggest pain in the ass to maintain for distros, and how they’ve forcibly tied V8 into the repository, that I’d agree gladly.

    As a friendly trash-dev, I’d recommend never to open the deps folder, I’d bet that most of you folks will have a stroke.