Broke and depressed

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…

    You serious?

    For real though. Yes the CEO can get a pay cut, but that is unlikely to save more than a few individuals. The costs of labour are just that high, often the highest of all costs a company has. That’s why laying off staff, although terrible, is the best way to save money for a company.

    I agree that CEOs earn waaaaay to much for what they actually do, but cutting that is not the magic solution people imagine it is.

    Even the famous pay cut by Shigeru Miyamoto of Nintendo was accompanied by other cost saving measures in the company, and only because Japanese law demands that layoffs be the last thing a company does.

  • I know what the meme is supposed to represent, but the Tolkien nerd in me feels the need to correct the universal misunderstanding of the picture used.

    Frodo isn’t saying he can’t read the inscription on the One Ring because it’s in Elvish. He actually is pretty fluent in Elvish in the novel, but the inscription on the Ring was in the Black Speech, which he couldn’t recognise.

  • You seriously believe in Lamarck? Like, I don’t know, I’m not a native speaker, maybe I’m missing something.

    How many fucking times do we have to repeat this: TRAITS ACQUIRED DURING LIFETIME ARE NON-INHERITABLE

    If you lose your fingers in an industrial accident, your children aren’t going to be born fingerless, are they?

    Giraffes don’t have long necks because one little giraffe long, long ago tried really, really hard to grow a longer neck, but because giraffes who had been born with longer necks could compete better than those without, and pass on their genes. And they got those necks due to mutations.

    Environmental pressure selects for benefitial mutations, while the mutations themselves are random. That’s literally the mechanism of evolution through natural selection.

  • For a more involved explanation from a Pole:

    On th 15th of October, the ruling “United Right” coalition (or Law and Justice and satellites) lost the parliamentary election, getting 194 seats (231 necessary for majority in lower house). It became the most important election in modern Polish history, with 74.38% of registered voters voting, beating the 1989 elections that ended Communist rule in the country. After that, the slow process of transition to a new government began.

    The President (Law and Justice) chose the date for the start of a new Parliament, and, in a controversial move, ignored the three committees that announced their intention to form a majority coalition government (with 248 seats total), instead giving the task of forming the government to Mateusz Morawiecki, the Prime Minister for the past two Parliaments (also Law and Justice).

    For the past two weeks Morawiecki had to face the task everyone acknowledged was impossible: forming a majority in a Parliament where every party was against them, and they had no majority. Many see this appointment as an attempt, by his own party, to kill Morawiecki’s political career, as after the inevitable failure to form a new cabinet, he would be forced to shoulder the blame for the party’s failure.

    As an aside, it’s worth mentioning, that Law and Justice is not in its best shape right now. The party’s de facto leader, Jarosław Kaczyński is considered to be in progressively deteriorating health. There are few that could possibly take the reins of the party after his departure from politics (be it due to retirement or death). The most likely are Zbigniew Ziobro, a christofascist, homophobic psycho, largely responsible for the dismantling of the independent judiciary, and Morawiecki himself. Morawiecki has little ideological zeal, he is, for all intents and purposes, a bland professional, a former banker and, ironically, Donald Tusk’s economic advisor, back before 2014.

    In the background, the outgoing government tried it’s hardest to entrench itself in any position of power it could, giving positions to, as we say it, the “mediocre, passive but loyal”, any cousins that managed to get by without stealing anything so far, hardliners and so on. Their hope is, that the new government wouldn’t be able to completely clean house from the dregs of nepotism and corruption, and that they could latch on until (hopefully for them) next election.

    Of main interest were positions related to state media, strategic enterprises and any positions that could sabotage any and all efforts of the incumbents.

    So the party does not like Morawiecki. Some expected him, to take the last lifeboat on a sinking ship, and announce before his exposé (an address before the lower house, where the Prime Minister tries to convince it to give the new cabinet a vote of confidence), that he couldn’t form a cabinet, thus saving himself from the disgrace.

    That did not happen.

    Yesterday Poles all over the country, before TV sets, online, in cinemas (sic!) and over 400k live on YouTube (beating, or nearly beating the national record for the biggest live audience) were treated to the newest episode of our latest favourite Sitcom “Pierwsze posiedzenie Sejmu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej” (1st session of the Sejm (pronounced “same”) of the Republic of Poland) from 10 o’clock to just past 19 (7PM for computationally challenged), as Mateusz Morawiecki tried to convince a room full of haters that his cabinet will be great.

    I could go on and on about all the insane shit that happened, all the hypocrisy of Law and Justice, but we all know where this ends up.

    On the 11th of December, 2023, at around 16:20 (4:20PM) CEST, the Sejm, voting 190 for to 266 against, with 4 absent, decided AGAINST granting the 3rd Morawiecki cabinet the vote of confidence.

    For the first time in modern history, the presidential pick for Prime Minister failed the vote of confidence.

    Great! So what do we do now?

    Now begun “the second constitutional step”, where the Sejm itself picked the Prime Minister from amongst their own.

    The Marshall of the Sejm (Speaker) decreed, that the Convention of Seniors (marshall, deputy marshalls and representatives of all parties) will meet with him to decide upon a candidate.

    An hour later, Donald Tusk was announced as the new Prime Minister.

    The motion for his appointment was signed by 248 MPs, representing all members of the “democratic opposition” - Left to Centre-right parties in opposition to Law and Justice (no far-right, though they voted against Morawiecki).

    Today the new Prime Minister had his exposé, and the new cabinet was formed. Poland enters a new era.

    My comment might have been overly long and dramatic, but for majority of Poles this is an extremely important event, representing an end to 8 long years of indignity, corruption, nepotism, dismantling of democracy, trampling of our liberties and so, so much more evil.

    So yeah. Hope I didn’t bore you to death.

    And if you’re Polish yourself, and have voted in the elections:
