Don’t get me wrong. I’m a big fan of marmite. But I’m not an animal. I have it on toast, or a bagel, or maybe a toastie if I’m feeling reckless.

But my son wants marmite sandwiches. Sandwiches! How is it possible to spread marmite on bread without the bread disintegrating? Is there a technique that in my five decades on this earth I have not been able to master?

    11 months ago

    Is there any butter/marg on this at all?
    That’s where your problem is.
    Nice layer of whatever fatty goodness (if you don’t have the “spreadable” kind, leave it out so it is), then the marmite goes on to that, spreads no problem and tastes nicer!

    Now you’ve made me want a marmite sandwich and I have no bread in the house. 😥😂