There are a lot of really good guides out there about ship building in STO. None of that is actually in STO, which is another problem entirely, but that’s beside the point. But if you could really boil down the build advice to the barest essentials, for a new player with no resources, what would it be?

For me, energy builds are the easiest to put together.

  1. Choose an energy type or a weapon type. Example - choose phaser vs. disruptor or beams vs. cannons. One torpedo can be optionally added.
  2. Tactical consoles - choose the appropriate damage console. Examples are Phaser Relay, Directed Energy Distribution Manifold, or Prefire Chamber. Maximize those in your tactical consoles.
  3. Engineering consoles - Neutronium Alloy, RCS Accelerator, EPS Flow Regulator. Mix as desired.
  4. Science consoles - Flow Capacitor, Field Generator, Inertial Dampeners. Mix as desired.
  5. Tactical skills: At least one copy of Tactical Team, a firing mode (Beams: Fire at Will or Cannon: Scatter Volley) at the highest level possible, an attack pattern (Attack Pattern: Beta is preferred), and possibly a torpedo skill (Torpedo Spread).
  6. Science skills: Photonic Officer at the highest level possible, one shield heal, one hull heal.
  7. Engineering skills: Emergency Power to Weapons, one shield heal, one hull heal.
  8. Set weapon power to max.

To fly for beginners: Cycle the EPtW, Photonic Officer, and the 3-4 tactical skills when they come off cooldown. This will give you an effective build at any level and provide a good foundation for optimization.

    11 months ago

    disco 3 piece

    Lorca or Stamets-Tilly?

    I don’t think RCS, neutronium and EPS are that useful unless they’re the disco rep Bellum drops.

    Perrin’s post is about build advice for new players with no resources, so these players need to know what to equip right now to get their ships in decent shape. This is short term, the fleet and rep gear you suggested are excellent long-term goals. Plus yeah mk xv weapons for sure, it does make a huge difference.