For me, it did.

I signed up on 2 months before the Russo-Ukraine war and learnt about When the Russo-Ukraine war started, the Lemmygrad posts about Ukraine motivated me to dig more into the conflict. I was already pretty open to ideas, so I didn’t see any risk in it.

The result is that I learned about the scum reality of the United States. I saw a video that showed some atrocities of the Azov Battalion, and another video of Russian troops caring for the Ukrainian civilians. I didn’t get much of an emotional reaction; but I now had a general ideas of the (war) crimes Nazis commit. I also saw a disparity in views on Lemmygrad from Reddit; reddit has (heavily biased) support for U.S forces, while Lemmygrad has general support of Russian forces.

    2 years ago

    I live in Poland. Ukropropaganda is EVERYWHERE here, i am sometimes afraid to open a fucking fishcan because it would not be very surprising to see that fish scales and oil are purposefully set up into the blue-yellow flag inside.

    Also the inflation is galloping and out president answered to that basically “fuck you and your livelihood, we must be antirussian at all costs”.

    Not to mention it might as well end up in open war, since Poland is desperate to be the next US proxy - hell, our prime minister Morawiecki and his owner Kaczyński said in Kiev yesterday that it is “our fight”…