They warned you: Someone allegedly used a politician’s cloned voice to interfere with an election | It will most assuredly not be the last time this happens::undefined

    8 months ago

    Do you have both the time and emotional bandwidth to read every single thing that affects your life? Everything that anyone else, especially random Internet strangers, considers important for you as well?

    We should all be more educated on political matters. Real life forces us to pick and choose how we do it, unless we don’t have a life and choose to only concern ourselves with politics to the detriment of our family, relationships, friendships, and mental health. Because there’s a shit pile of info that comes out each and every day. I don’t think asking for a summary is something we should be shitting on people about.

    Being a smug jackass isn’t the flex you think is. It actually pushes people away from whatever you’re stating you think they should do. Unless that’s your plan anyway? In that case, no judgement here. Carry on.