This one is going to be unpopular - I know this to be true because I have used the internet before.

The world would likely descend into chaos if Ayn Rand’s philosophy (called Objectivism) were to replace other social systems. For example, towards the end of Atlas Shrugged the characters are all in a cabin and one cooks breakfast for the others and they all chip in to pay their fair share of the meal because charity and not earning what one consumes in the world is morally wrong. Yeah, that shit would not work in the world.

But what is missing in nearly all of the critique on her is her upbringing. This is why in school sometimes teachers want students to study the biographies of authors. It helps you understand their motives and the struggles that shaped their writing.

She witnessed the Bolshevik revolution in early 20th century Russia and saw how communism stripped people of their possessions and ambition. So, if you don’t agree with the crazy parts of her books then maybe that is because you weren’t 12 years old living in Russia in 1917.

The point is you should be able to read the books, discard what you don’t like, perhaps keep something you do like, and think “well, none of that matches my philosophy in life but I didn’t have the same childhood as the author and if I did maybe I would think the same way”.

The point is I see a lot of critiques but I think many are from people who actually haven’t read the books. Or someone they dislike likes Ayn Rand or one of her books and since the person they dislike likes her then they must in turn automatically hate her.

I’m not an expert on Ayn Rand but I have read Atlas Shrugged, The Fountainhead, and Anthem. And I agree she was flawed but I understand what she was trying to do.

EDIT: Why all the downvotes? If the name of the community is Unpopular Opinion and I certainly posted an unpopular opinion then shouldn’t people be like “well, I hate Ayn Rand but the guy did stick to the theme of the community.”