The picture that made you click on this post was captured 2 weeks ago. 165lbs 5’8. I’m no longer obese, I haven’t been for months now, but I’m still stared up and down from other strangers who are trying ascertain whether I pose a threat or not.

I’m walking forward and not acknowledging you and yet you’re fiddling around with ur pockets or moving away from me. I could share more but people have a tendency to question what really happened in x experience, derailing the discussion entirely. I’m stuck in Vancouver for the foreseeable future and I’d appreciate it if you just answered the question.

I’m not interested in empty platitudes or comments unrelated to the topic at hand. “What can I change about my face to make the average vancouverite less scared of me”. That’s it. I’m not expecting anyone here to be an expert on anthropology but this is an (mostly, IDK ur OSINT but me personally idc anymore) anonymous forum. Say that I look tired and I’ll look for surgeons who can handle complex eyelid surgeries. Id appreciate candidness. Random assortment of photos I found within the last year. I can’t be half assed to remove identifying information anymore.

    6 months ago

    Ok bro I’m not trying to be mean just tryin to help. First of all I don’t think you are intimidating, or even ugly. But I do think you have some unique facial features that give you an uncanny vibe. You have large eyes and a large nose, and a strong jaw, but your mouth looks small and pursed, so you might want to relax your mouth and lips a bit and smile to balance out your face. You also might want to try a beard. Also your head seems to narrow on both sides above you ears giving your skull a slight peanut shape. You might mitigate this by growing your hair out a little. Not sure how helpful this is, just my 2 cents.