I had to walk out of the library the other day. I was wearing noise canceling headphones and listening to music at a normal volume and yet a mom with three kids drove me out due to the fact they were running around and yelling like it was their house.

I travel and this is the new normal at libraries throughout the U.S. Many libraries now have an open area children’s section where the kids can play on the floor and be as loud as they want.

I do use study rooms at the library but not all libraries have them and a closed glass door does not block all the noise from a screaming baby/toddler.

Libraries are a shared space and in the past used to be quiet. Now in the effort to be inclusive to everyone they don’t enforce any noise rules because they want those moms and their screaming kids to come visit the library.

And of course, you cannot complain to anyone about this because if you do so you are a Karen and no one will care and then they’ll tell you “if you don’t like it you can leave” This is society now…everyone does what they want with no regard for others.

  • Laticauda@lemmy.ca
    7 months ago

    How small was this library? My town’s local library is more than big enough that I would be able to move to a different room or floor or section to escape noise, and they had a designated children’s area downstairs. Even in smaller towns I’d imagine the average library has more than a single room. I live in Canada but I wouldn’t think it’d be that much different in most places in the US. Heck even my university library had multiple floors and was more than big enough to escape noise in one location especially with noise cancelling headphones.