The name of the community is Unpopular Opinion. Try to list an authentic one and see what happens. It gets downvoted.

If it is unpopular and you don’t agree with it you downvote it. The community name is not “Edgy Opinions That Aren’t Mainstream That I Agree With”

If you don’t believe what I am saying to be true I’ll give you an example.

Try to post this:

Dogs in shelters should be euthanized and the meat should be used to feed various farm livestock.

That will get downvoted and you know that to be true.

Let the downvotes for this post commence!

    7 months ago

    while true, this doens’t mean that herbivores would continue eating meat if presented with it. Their digestive systems are very much made to process plant material and eating a lot of meat would probably make them quite sick.

    This would be true for us as well, except we figured out cooking which makes meat a whole lot easier to digest and kills all pathogens in it.

      7 months ago

      Oh yeah I’m not saying herbivores can exist on a high meat diet. I’m just saying that a lot of herbivores will “supplement” their diets with animal parts.

      Eating a chick or chewing a bone every once and a while just keeps them supplied with some harder to obtain nutrients