• DingoBilly@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    I’m not admitting how ineffectual they are. It’s just hard to push laws through when one party is clearly trying to stop you from doing the right thing.

    It’s like saying that people fighting for climate change are the same as those arguing against climate change because they’re not getting climate change law through.

    Your point either makes no sense or you’re arguing in bad faith. I wish it was the first but I’ve dealt with too many people who are just trolling and reporting right wing rhetoric.

    • Smeagol666@lemm.ee
      7 months ago

      Whenever dems start losing an argument these days, they’re quick to call it “right-wing rhetoric”. I take this as an ad-hominem attack since I’ve been a lefty all my life. I voted for Bill Clinton. I voted for Barack Obama in 2008. I would have voted for Bernie Sanders in 2016, but the lying, cheating fucks in the DNC stole the nomination, and we ended up with a clown-ass gameshow host as president.

      Hey, guess what single entity in the world is the biggest polluter. The US fucking military. The same military that dems and reps overwhelmingly vote to give mountains of cash to every fucking year.

      You say I’M arguing in bad faith? The other (literally Machiavellian) tactic that shit-libs like to use is to accuse the opposition of the thing they themselves are guilty of. I like how you glossed right over the whole funding the military aspect of my argument, as if murdering people for their resources is just business as usual. Obviously you’re not affected by it so why should you care?

      • DingoBilly@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        Ok you’re completely ignoring my points and just parroting a single example you can’t move on from, which again, is my issue with your post. And I’m not trying to win the argument, just walk through basic facts/logic. You are the one using ad hominems against myself which is ironic.

        So we’ll just have to agree to disagree as you aren’t doing this in good faith or are purposely trolling.