Atheists, there’s 8 billion people in the world. Not everyone is going to share your thoughts on religion, movies, music, food, or tattoos, etc.

Why can’t you see a post or comment about religion and say to yourself, “Oh, this is not for or about me” and then just move on to another post? What is the incessant compulsion to comment?


There sure is a lot of ultra-triggered atheists in here!

No one is answering my question:

Why can’t you see a post or comment about religion and say to yourself, “Oh, this is not for or about me” and then just move on to another post?

militant /mĭl′ĭ-tənt/


Having a combative character; aggressive, especially in the service of a cause.

    8 months ago

    What the fuck are you talking about?

    How many atheist churches are there? Atheist billboards? Atheist politicians? Atheist judges and legislators? How many atheist athletes are there? How many atheist soldiers are there?

    Now ask the same of how many Christians? How many Hindus or Muslims or Jewish people? Religious people are compelled to share their faith and their opinions, and make every attempt to control the thoughts and decisions of the people around them. If you see an atheist, it’s invariably because religious people are trying to pull some fuckery to promote their own faith. The rest of the time, we silently endure public proclamations of the supremacy of their particular deity because it’s not worth the grief of outing ourselves.

    Get the fuck out of here with your bullshit, telling people how to act.