Atheists, there’s 8 billion people in the world. Not everyone is going to share your thoughts on religion, movies, music, food, or tattoos, etc.

Why can’t you see a post or comment about religion and say to yourself, “Oh, this is not for or about me” and then just move on to another post? What is the incessant compulsion to comment?


There sure is a lot of ultra-triggered atheists in here!

No one is answering my question:

Why can’t you see a post or comment about religion and say to yourself, “Oh, this is not for or about me” and then just move on to another post?

militant /mĭl′ĭ-tənt/


Having a combative character; aggressive, especially in the service of a cause.

    8 months ago

    The reason why religious people think Atheists are abundant is because one well thought and spoken Atheist can completely dismantle any idea of God or religion through logic.

    It’s not that there’s billions of Atheists, it’s that our logic is deafening.