If gender is socially determined then why the need for transgender, why not just being who you are without labels.

  • pixxelkick@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    It looks like most of your issues here, and why you are getting dunked on, is the assumption that drag queens represent women.

    They don’t. That’s all there is to it. Whoever informed you that drag queens are representing women lied to you.

    Drag is a performance meant to call out things we used to associate as women only. It’s a critique/commentary on what one might associate as traditionally feminine.

    It’s meant to make the person do a double take and get them thinking about stuff, and make them question if maybe women are more complex than just a bunch of roles and clothes and hair and makeup. Drag is sort of the other side if the feminism coin.

    By a person with a dick putting on an extremely big display of traditional femininity, it basically forces people to go “wait but if that’s a person with a dick under all that, maybe my conception of what defines a woman is shallow and there’s more to it than this…”

    It basically forces to viewer to acknowledge that women are complex… see how that’s a good thing for feminism?

    I hope this has made you see drag on a different light, and how drag queens are a pretty huge ally to feminism and equality.

    • eatthecake@lemmy.worldOP
      5 months ago

      By a person with a dick putting on an extremely big display of traditional femininity, it basically forces people to go “wait but if that’s a person with a dick under all that, maybe my conception of what defines a woman is shallow and there’s more to it than this…

      I honestly don’t see your logic there. I’m sure you believe what you’re saying, but i don’t agree that it makes any sense at all. All i see is something like blackface. And there are plenty of examples of conservative men dressing up as women to prove it is no compliment. I see people reinforcing the notion that women are shallow and bitchy, no feminism.

      • pixxelkick@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        All i see is something like blackface.

        Have you personally gone to any drag shows, or interacted with the community on a personal level?

        One thing to consider as a sort of proof:

        Transwoman have demonstrated infinite times over that a person with a penis can visually represent a look that most people can’t remotely identify as “not a woman”, it’s not too hard.

        Yet drag queens definitely look extremely distinct and don’t look like a women you’d meet on the street at all. They are distinctly in drag, and many if these individuals could very well look like a “woman off the street” that you couldn’t tell them apart from any other women if you wanted to.

        And yet, it’s exactly what they dont do.

        So you have to acknowledge that drag isnt about looking “like a woman” at all, it’s something else entirely, right?

        So then the next part is asking if it’s like blackface, where they are “making fun” of women. Well, if you’ve ever enjoyed such a performance, this too doesn’t fit. They clearly are addressing and critiquing something, but it isn’t women.

        You are right in that it’s sort of like black face, in that in the sense that it is making light of a specific topic and calling it out through performance of it taken to an extreme… BUT

        And this is a big BUT

        It’s not women

        Drag is calling out and making fun of Traditional Gender Roles, it basically is mocking the concept of “Women must be this and men must be that”

        It’s a critique of tradition, a mock of women and men being forced to be a certain way. It’s literally calling out at the viewers and going “You thought only women should do this? Guess again bucko”

        It challenges norms and identity and association. It breaks down gender walls and forces people to question what makes a woman, a woman. It says “by acknowledging my (the drag queen) existence, you must admit that how a woman looks is not all that defines her or say I must be a woman, which is it?”

        I hope that makes sense. Drag queens are huge feminism allies and typically only TERFs try to exclude them, and you really don’t wanna be friends with TERFs.

        • eatthecake@lemmy.worldOP
          5 months ago

          I would agree with all of that if they didn’t use female pronouns during their performance. If they were open about being male and their behaviour being male then i could agree with you that they are calling out gender roles but as long as they pretend to be female then i disagree with you. I see no challrnge to identity when they explicitly take on a female identity instead of openly being a man in a dress.