Was just talking at dinner with family, and it seems a logical action to ban circumcision, as in most cases, doesn’t have consent, and is a major (genitals are important) body modification. Can we ban it at the state level? Just a thought.

  • Dasus@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    I have never even heard about people having such strong opinions about this topic.

    You’re seriously pretending that you’ve never heard of people having strong opinions on genital mutilation, or that you don’t understanding why?

    Or are you pretending that circumcision isn’t genital mutilation?

    Because the western medical procedure to correct phimosis is very different from having your prepuce ritually removed.

    Opening up the prepuce enough for it to be able to slide over the glans and removing the whole prepuce are rather different.

    But the most ridiculous thing is you pretending you’re not aware of the controversy of snipping your kids genitals because of convictions/culture

    • Roflmasterbigpimp@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      Maybe because there are not many Jews (or other Religions who do this “ritualy”) in Germany the only way I ever heard about this was as a medical procedure. So yes. I never even thought about this being something controversial, like I never would think that getting tympanostomy tubes are controversial. If you want to get mad at me for living in a World where this is not an issue then go on. But isn’t a World where this is not issue your end goal?

      • Dasus@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        I’m Finnish. We do less circumcisions than you guys, and our laws are arguably tighter.

        I’m just amazed that someone would not be aware of the controversy. Have you never watched American TV? Just… how is someone unaware of this?

        I’m not mad, I’m astonished.

        It’s like pretending that you’re not aware of how big of s thing racism is in the US, that you’re unaware that there’s controversy about white cops shooting black people with poor excuses. Like “I’ve never heard of this ‘black lives matter’, thing, surely 'all lives matter’, eh?”

        I get that some people won’t be exposed to everything, yeah, but we’re on Lemmy, not the opening page of Microsoft Edge, so one assumes a little bit of knowledge of the world.

        My bad.

        Won’t happen again.

        • Roflmasterbigpimp@lemmy.world
          7 months ago

          Actually, I don’t watch American TV. If you could show me the “no circumcision” Riots or the big civil rights court case about the Cop who circumcised this Guy he should, and I would never forget again :D Damn now I want a large Demo where People hold up dicks with foreskin and yell stuff like, “Circumcision, what a snip! Let’s keep our foreskin, let it rip!”

          EDIT: The “let it rip”-Part sound terrible painful maybe I need to change that