In every single article you read about UBI (universal basic income) you read about all the wonderful utopian possibilities. I have not seen one article mention what I believe will be the truth. The governments of the world will use it as a threat against behavior they want modified or won’t tolerate.

If you get a few DUIs what happens? They take away your license because driving is a privilege. Well, imagine being poor and needing the monthly UBI money and the government tells you that if you do this specific act you will lose your UBI.

It will be subtle at first and resemble some typical government hoop-jumping bureaucracy. Then a slippery slope of things you cannot do will slowly erode your rights. Did you attend a protest? In the U.S., the First Amendment grants you the right to do that but UBI is not a right it is a privilege so you lose your UBI.

He who has the gold makes the rules.

    7 months ago

    I agree with this thought. Same problem with welfare. You must work a certain number of hours to get it but not make over a certain amount. This allows Walmart to have a legion of no benefit having part time workers getting paid minimum wage. You keep those bad jobs because taking a better one means you lose welfare and all the additional government benefits.

    This will be a revenue stream for capitalists. What you need to do is provide the basic needs and not cash. Food, healthcare and shelter. People now do not need to work and employers have to pay better to get people to work for them.