In every single article you read about UBI (universal basic income) you read about all the wonderful utopian possibilities. I have not seen one article mention what I believe will be the truth. The governments of the world will use it as a threat against behavior they want modified or won’t tolerate.

If you get a few DUIs what happens? They take away your license because driving is a privilege. Well, imagine being poor and needing the monthly UBI money and the government tells you that if you do this specific act you will lose your UBI.

It will be subtle at first and resemble some typical government hoop-jumping bureaucracy. Then a slippery slope of things you cannot do will slowly erode your rights. Did you attend a protest? In the U.S., the First Amendment grants you the right to do that but UBI is not a right it is a privilege so you lose your UBI.

He who has the gold makes the rules.

    7 个月前

    my feeling is rather than making housing projects the government contracts with companies to provide a room, facilities, and a cafeteria somewhat like a college dorm if you had a single and that would be the amount of UBI. Folks can then sign up at one of those if they need to but they could also just get a roomate in a standard rental situation or whatever. Or they might make some money and afford something better. Keep in mind UBI is not just extra money all around. Someone like me who is doing alright would be paying as much in tax as I get back. But if I lose my job, or become disabled, or just need to retire. It would be there immediately. Obsiously folks like musk and bezos would pay way more in taxes than they would ever get back but they would still get it.

      7 个月前

      So in the end, it’s not about UBI at all, it’s about having social support programs that are not private companies/corporations funded by the government but supplied directly by the government? I.E. government housing paid by the “UBI tax system” that remains a stagnant amount based off the UBI number?

      So UBI just amounts to more fair distribution of taxes and social support programs?

      edit to clarify, these social programs are just inherently given with no pre-requirement from any person