Maybe at 80% - 20% ratio

What do you think about it?

    7 months ago

    Personally, I feel like I can tell most of the time, though I’m sure I could be proven wrong and that most likely there’s more than a few trans women out there that I would not be able to tell the difference. However, in my limited experience, most of the time it seems obvious. Like there’s just something in the facial structure that sets them apart, I’m not sure what it is, but it’s there.

    Back to your post though, so what? That’s kind of how it is for 99.99% of the population anyways. People are usually attracted to a somewhat narrow range of other people and a very small portion of the population will ever find you attractive, unless you won the genetic lottery and have something everyone wants. Meanwhile, the majority of people on Earth would find me completely unattractive, even 1% would be gracious in my mind. Nobody is required to find anybody else attractive, they can have any reason they want, sometimes even after they’ve already found the person attractive initially.

    If a CIS man doesn’t find trans women attractive, that’s perfectly acceptable, the same way if a black person doesn’t find white person attractive, skinny people don’t find heavier people attractive, or if an asexual person isn’t attracted to anybody. Just being alive doesn’t guarantee you universal attractiveness.