• return2ozma@lemmy.worldOP
    6 months ago

    What are you requesting for him to do here?

    Keep his campaign promise. This is from his 2020 campaign website:

    • mozz@mbin.grits.dev
      6 months ago

      The decriminalization bill passed the house but the GOP killed it in the senate.

      Which seems a little contradictory to both the statements (a) it’s all Biden’s fault and he could fix it if he wanted to, and (b) voting doesn’t matter because both sides are pretty much the same.

      My question was a little different from the one you answered – what is the meme joking about him being easily able to do if he would only decide to? Actually I think you should call him and tell him, instead of me; it would have saved all the time and difficulty with the decriminalization bill, if he could have just done whatever you had in mind instead of bothering with it.

      • DreamerofDays@kbin.social
        6 months ago

        Plenty of loud people seem to think a president is a king, or at least has the powers thereof. That’s something both tips of the horseshoe seem to agree on.

        • Nudding@lemmy.world
          6 months ago

          Weird how republicans seem to be able to do whatever they please when they’re in power but oh no, there’s no possible way Biden could save women’s rights, decriminalize a harmless plant, or say no to a country engaged in genocide.

          Wake the fuck up dude, they’re 2 sides of the same coin.

          • Burninator05@lemmy.world
            6 months ago

            But they Republicans can’t do whatever they want. How many times did they attempt (and fail) at getting rid of the ACA? Even when they had the presidency and both houses of Congress they weren’t able to do that.

              • mozz@mbin.grits.dev
                6 months ago

                That’s a funny way of spelling “Oh shit you’re right, Republicans famously tried and failed to among other things withhold aid from Ukraine, repeal the ACA, prosecute their political opponents, have the military confiscate voting machines, have the National Guard shoot protestors, and lots of other terrifying things, but the top levels of government don’t come with a magic wand that causes all the other levels to obey exactly the orders that come from above. And that’s actually a good thing; you want to have a lot of apolitical machinery in the workings of government, not just an autocracy that immediately obeys any new orders that come from above whether good or bad or whether they fit the preexisting structures or not.”

                “However, the Republicans do have a detailed plan in place for undoing a lot of that machinery that’s truly terrifying in its scope and thoroughness. If you’re not happy about Joe Biden failing to do enough to take the unprecedented step of legalizing marijuana on a federal level, just wait until CBP agents are empowered to fire on protestors or detain them indefinitely, opposition-party politicians are on the receiving end of harassment from a corrupted justice department, and the power of the US military can be turned against any brown people anywhere in the world for any reason whatsoever on the whim of the world’s most childish man, with no pushback from senior military leadership.”

                “Oops I mean both sides are the same, Joe didn’t do a good enough job on my lengthy to-do list of progressive goals, I’m not voting, it doesn’t matter.”

                • Nudding@lemmy.world
                  6 months ago

                  As long as you’re better than the republicans, who cares right? This is the sum of decades of lesser of 2 evils voting.

                  Enabling a genocide, record oil production, twice the number of migrants detained at the border than when trump left office.

                  Demand better.

                  • mozz@mbin.grits.dev
                    6 months ago

                    This is the point in the circle of bad-faith arguments where, the marijuana thing clearly being bullshit, we segueway into a series of unrelated talking-point arguments instead of staying on the sinking ship that was the OP argument.

                    Do you want me to copy-paste a detailed counterargument for each of your first two points, to respond to the “short quippy wrong” talking-point version? If you want to change the subject. The last one I don’t have something already prepared but the first two I’ve seen verbatim enough times that I can easily go back and grab a good response for them.

      • FuglyDuck@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        He could have it rescheduled to something far less illegal, at the very least, without an act from congress.

        • AA5B@lemmy.world
          6 months ago

          Part of being the executive is executing the process for many things - DEA has many different requirements and can’t necessary act on a whim. More importantly that seems to be happening.

          My reading of fpvarious news and promises on this is y’all need to be a little patient

            • mozz@mbin.grits.dev
              6 months ago

              Good spot! I did in fact fail to mention that in addition to the federal marijuana legalization bill, and pardons for anyone in federal prison for possession, Biden did in fact do exactly what you’re not holding your breath for, ordering a reevaluation of the scheduling of marijuana. It’s a little bit of an empty priority, since just lowering its classification level would still leave it on the “illegal drug” list and doesn’t do much for anyone who’s in a state prison for breaking a state law, i.e. the DEA dragging its feet on actually doing it isn’t enough of a priority to spend time and political capital on.

              I could go on about how numbskulled it is to give the Biden administration a hard time for not doing enough to overcome Republican resistance to the big progressive steps they are taking, while simultaneously claiming that he’s deliberately doing nothing and that he’s functionally the same as the party that’s fighting to obstruct him (with some level of success). But I already made that point.

              • Ensign_Crab@lemmy.world
                6 months ago

                It’s a little bit of an empty priority, since just lowering its classification level would still leave it on the “illegal drug” list and doesn’t do much for anyone who’s in a state prison for breaking a state law,

                And just like that, it’s ok to let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Incrementalism goes straight out the window when it’s something centrists don’t want to do, like reduce the harm caused by the racist war on drugs.

                • mozz@mbin.grits.dev
                  6 months ago

                  the perfect be the enemy of the good. Incrementalism

                  That’s an excellent point - it is absurd to talk in terms of “I can’t support Joe Biden because there are still items on my progressive wish list where he isn’t a clear enough improvement over the historical norm.” The fact that he’s objectively a huge step forward as pertains to climate change / student loans / marijuana legalization / etc, is a good reason to vote for him for as long as he’s a clear improvement (over the norm, let alone over the horrifying alternative in this particular election). While yes obviously continuing to work to move things forward towards real continued progress because we need more on top of that.

                  It’s a good point, and I’m glad you brought it up.

                  • Ensign_Crab@lemmy.world
                    6 months ago

                    Nice attempt to reframe, but I was talking about how you ostensibly oppose rescheduling cannabis because it doesn’t pardon state crimes, but actually oppose it because it might lessen the disruption to the minority communities that the racist drug war was designed to disrupt.

                    Far as I’m concerned, you’re not only letting the perfect be the enemy of the good, you’re doing so because you oppose the good.

    • mozz@mbin.grits.dev
      6 months ago

      No answer on what you want him to do that he could do any time he’s ready?

      But… still going to leave the meme up? Even though you’re clearly a person who cares about politics and political outcomes, and it’s clear now that what it says is grossly misleading to people as to the reality of the situation?