• Justice@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    oh no… liberal noises

    Your entire statement is the reverse of what it should be. YOU are the one (like many people, so at least you won’t be alone) stuck ignoring the violent system that both parties silently cooperate to uphold while they wage a never ending, back and forth, war over purposely-crafted wedge issues. Things such as: abortion, civil rights for every minority or oppressed group you can imagine, “woke” culture, the list is pretty long and we all know it well.

    liberal noises intensify

    No, calling them purposely-crafted, or “made up” if you want a more incendiary term to focus on and be mad about, doesn’t mean these issues don’t exist and aren’t extremely important. Of course they are. And that’s precisely why they’re so effective at derailing folks such as yourself and your counterparts, the feral hogs, who advocate for… whatever the fuck they’re on about now days. Killing trans kids and shooting gay people, I suppose. I guess killing abortion doctors and advocates got stale.

    You’re falling into a well laid trap. Even for those who see it, it’s still a shitty one. Both of these parties ON THE WHOLE (so don’t give me some picked through list- I don’t care) only care about one thing: capitalism. The interests of capital and thus the interests of capitalists.

    The US government is literally just a vehicle for the furtherance of capital’s interests home and abroad. Whether that means waging war in Iraq, supporting dubious regimes worldwide via infinite arms and cash, opposing anti-capitalist (or at least anti-US capitalist) regimes. And opposing is a nice word… slaughtering, genociding, utterly destroying the entire fucking planet and bombing entire cultures out of existence so the billion dollar corporations at home can get a few more billion.

    I would love to see a list of politicians who advocate for the complete abolition of: the DoD, the CIA, FBI, ATF, DEA, etc. Becuase THOSE orgs/agencies are the swords of imperialism wielded by the United States only ever in the interests of US capital. When the state dept says “US interests” that’s what it always means. US capital, businesses, the rich guys who own all of us including the illusion of a democracy we have.

    And so, in order to keep looking away from that hard truth, that very clear and obvious truth, they’ve constructed all these wedge issues. Constructed in a pretty literal sense. 70%+ of Americans are “pro-choice” (I hate the terminology, but, it’s what’s used…). This is NOT a debated topic and never has been. Most Americans, I don’t know the stat offhand but I’d guess 70-80%, are pro-LGBTQ rights including marriage. Like, these just aren’t actual issues outside of the most INSANE feral hogs on the super far, Christo-Fascist right. So why do we give a shit about them and give them any time of day? Well, that’s a great fucking question isn’t? In anything resembling a “democracy” the hogs would simply be told “cool, we listened to you. You’re dumb and wrong and bad. Abortion is now fully legalized. Eat shit, fucksticks.” And democrats and republicans, and the aristocratic republican fucks like McConnell and George W absolutely DO NOT care about abortion on any sort of moral level, could definitely shove through laws, squash any annoying dissent, and move on. They choose not to though. And of course liberals will cite 500 pages of liberal Democratic bullshit on WHY they can’t just do that- no, the fucking fact is, they can. They just can. They can declare emergencies, they can use the insurrection act, whatever the fuck, it can absolutely be done at any given moment. So we either delude ourselves into believing these bloodless, soulless leeches care about some perceived semblance of “democracy” (ask Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Russia, Ukraine, Serbia, Syria, Indonesia,… infinite list, how much American lawmakers value democracy) OR they’re choosing, for the purpose of this little round and round and round “game” they play, to do nothing to resolve the conflicts, which again are imaginary conflicts, purely fabricated, and then enact the will of the people to cut back on the excesses of capital.

    If your argument is “democrats usually vote for laws that murder less gay people.” Ok, sure. But you have to wake up from the dream at some point and take a look around. They’ve been letting the right wing win for 50 years at least. You gotta fucking ask, at some point, “why?” Right wing economic policies are not now and never have been popular. Not really, not when explicitly explained to people. If you can’t see both sides of the coin are complicit in the elevation and always-further-rightward trend of US politics… then you aren’t paying attention.

    The only way out of this shit is the same as it’s always been: rejection of capitalist dogmas. But honestly the US is so far fucking gone at this point that I find it useless to even prescribe fixes. The amount of de-programming and education people here need is… a multi generational project. Almost pointless to even speculate on as an individual. I can tell you simply voting for Biden or AOC is not going to change anything in a meaningful way. Nothing will change while the status quo and mandatory position for representatives is supporting wars and never allowing a single pro-worker/anti-capital bill or law to exist ever. And democrats are simply absolutely not the way out of that.

    • Beat_da_Rich@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      Once again, liberals need to be reminded that Democrats are actually bankrolling the electoral campaigns of the most extreme Republicans who want to murder immigrants, Black people, and lgbtq as part of their platforms. If that’s not evidence that the Dems and GOP are teammates I don’t know what else can convince them.

      • PotatoKat@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Cool so the solution is to not vote so the Republicans win all those elections and trans people get genocided on a country level instead of a state level, right? God what a big brain you have, I wonder why I never saw it that way before.

        • Beat_da_Rich@lemmygrad.ml
          1 year ago

          No the solution is to organize and develop real political power so that we don’t have to rely on parties that have neither of our interests in mind. Unless you consider “voting” as the only legitimate form of participation in politics?

          • PotatoKat@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            No it’s not, not at all, but voting needs to be done and instead of encouraging people not to vote you should be directing them to ways of organizing and developing political power. Voting is like an hour of time (if that) one day every 2 years. It’s not like it’s so hard to do that along with actual means of change.

            • Beat_da_Rich@lemmygrad.ml
              1 year ago

              When did I encourage people not to vote?

              You’re responding to me based off of your own emotional investment to the electoral process. Nowhere did I say not to vote.

              • PotatoKat@lemmy.world
                1 year ago

                You were responding positively to a comment that is encouraging people not to vote, pardon for thinking you agreed with that sentiment when you didn’t voice disagreement to it.

    • PotatoKat@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Who said voting was the only thing that needs to be done? It is A thing that needs to be done, but it needs to be done and it needs to be for democrats. If there is even a single trans person in your life you should realize this. The GOP are actively attempting to genocide them and the democrats are not, and I’d really like to not be killed because people like you are convincing others not to vote for the party that doesn’t want me dead (aka the party that literally doesn’t care about me instead of the party that cares in a bad way)