• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • This dumbass is just dragging his own “reputation” at this point. Or, his wife/family/aids desperately clinging to power are anyway. (Talking about rep amongst the genocidal freaks who love him, not people who seem him for what he is)

    He’s gonna lose badly and the dems won’t even have a unified message of “those goddamn socialists did this! Over Gaza! Waaaah!” anymore. It’s pretty clear that tons of fully Zionist, racist as hell MFers, are demanding him he fuck off. Of course you’ll still see the terminally ill, online Reddit types blaming “tankies” but they are irrelevant. Amongst the actual narrative-writers and such they have daggers out for Biden and the easiest thing to do is, well, blame HIM if he somehow squeezes the nomination and then (of course) loses. I never want to underestimate the rat-like qualities of democrats though, so, it is still possible they lose and then all rotate to blaming the left again. When in doubt, blame that group who’s always correct and constantly making you feel bad- classic liberal mantra.

    If the libs really wanted to “own the left” they would swap in whoever, Kamala is easiest, and then if she loses then they can to full bore ass-ripping mode blaming the left for everything bad for the next four years and more. Of course it’s actually their fault for enabling/not rolling back, etc., but it’s an easier narrative to sell at this point than Biden, the rotting corpse, losing and blaming that on anyone other than the people propping up the corpse. Also we’ve been telling these dipshit motherfuckers to ditch Biden since… well, not counting before he got elected in 2020, since last year when the primaries started there’s been a constant drum of “kick the dead guy out. He’s exceptionally racist and sucks ass even by democratic party standards!”

    1. why is there a “Marxism” quora? Nvm, just seems to be super far right Nazis dedicated to “telling the truth” about the evils of Judeo-Bols-- I mean, Cultural-Marxism!

    2. there is NO WAY the guy who commented about Bolivia and Venezuela isn’t directly employed by the CIA. You could tie me to a chair and blowtorch my balls for a week and I’d never believe that guy isn’t an agent

    “Of course the pro-Palestinians support Hamas, a terrorist group! Oh by, here are some random examples, that we aren’t currently and in the past trying to undermine: lists every coup target of the US imperial state

    Like, come the fuck on. CIA needs to step the shit up. (Or, don’t, but you get my meaning)

  • The dollar amount of the award is meant punitively- not just restoratively. The judge(s) and jury(ies) involved know Alex Jones didn’t “cause $1.5B in damages.”

    Well, for one, how do you measure emotional damage including things like being told you never had a kid, you’re a fake, your kid didn’t die, etc. when you did have a kid, your kid did die, and you aren’t faking… obviously. These awards for emotional damages or loss of hypothetical income, etc. will always be “made up” to right wingers (the OP post seems to be a liberal ie right wing/reactionary) because they want to just view the world as private property and that’s it basically. If Jones had destroyed a neighborhood they’d probably agree $1.5B is fine, but because he “only” used his platform to allow for and at times actively push for harassment of these parents, they don’t see real damage occurring.

    I’m reminded of the hot McDonald’s coffee spill lady that people still mock even though her thighs got actually super fucked up by essentially boiling water spilling. They act like McDonald’s should only be on the hook, at most, for medical bills and lost work time type stuff, not anything extra as a punishment.

    The insane award is basically the point. It’s not an indictment of Jones’ content per se, no court has commented on his other material to my knowledge, it’s a condemnation of his repeated illegal targeting of victims even after being told to stop, even after being sued, even while the case was ongoing in court, and still he continues to play the victim, pretend he did nothing wrong, etc.

    If Jones had on a guy who said these parents were faking one time immediately after the shooting and he pushed back like “that doesn’t sound correct.” And then never brought on anymore denier guests and never revisited the topic… no one would be targeting him. But he did keep pursuing the topic and he never denounced (not until years later anyway and he flip flops on it) the lies told on his network.

    Basically this is one example of one time the justice system is kind of working as intended. It’s too bad it’s so rare and that it takes such aggressively hostile actions to get this response from courts.

    I’d love to see corporations suffer the same fates. Hit Apple with a $1.5T judgement for their refusal to abide by the recent EU laws including allowing sideloading worldwide forever with no limits. You can’t restrict stuff to certain areas in a global market or you’re still violating the law anytime some rando Dutchmen flies to New York. Anyway, side tracked there, but similar idea that courts do this to make a point and force changes. It’s the way it’s “supposed” to work under capitalism, where the idea is less direct government control. The balance to that is supposed to be the government still coming in and squashing egregious cases of abuse. (Supposed to, rarely happens though)

  • Oh I know. I just like to bait the trap and see what comes nibbling. I have noticed that actual acknowledgment/talking point, etc. around the Holodomor are rare to find from right wingers. They probably have some vague knowledge of something with a famine but they seem to generally just say “genocides!” Which does make me curious what is the plural there. If you get really lucky some hog comes in citing literal Nazi soldiers as victims of communism. Reading arguments from fully invested hogs is like peering into a kaleidoscope of talking points and sometimes it creates beauty by accident

  • Bro literally calls the USSR a “genocidal machine.”

    What genocides? The “genocide” of Nazi soldiers who were invading the USSR? Damn. Sounds bad. 🙄

    I almost support more of this unhinged rhetoric though. Right wingers reading off an objectively good document and then going “wow, sounds good huh? JUST KIDDING, COMMIE, YOU JUST MURDERED A LANDLORD! FEEL BAD NOW!?” Yeah I feel terrible… please, keep reading from the evil document that enshrined equal rights for men and women and all races/ethnicities well before the USA even pretended to do so. Please… no… I am an evil commie socialist tankie lover of genocide, read to me the words on that soviet document so that society can shame me for thinking they did a lot of things correctly…

  • I highly disagree with that assessment. Hillary is like a liberal’s Jesus or something. I don’t know what to compare to her, but I do know that they will absolutely always be “with her” until she dies and beyond.

    I’m not exaggerating much to say I really believe the aggrievement that Hillary’s fans and diehard Democrats (same thing) feel after the total rejection of her ™️ by “Bernie bros” and the country is what fuels their resentment towards… everything and anything. They honestly, truly, as mindless liberals, believe that Trump was a unique and special evil, somehow worse than George W, Obama or now Biden, despite, imo, Trump being measurably better than W and Obama and technically better than Biden but only because he’s not in office atm. I have no delusions over what actions Trump would also take towards anything involving support for Israel. And they think Hillary was some unspoiled dove. Despite her actions in Libya and subsequently her laughing about it, her diehard support for Zionism, her staunch resistance against anything even slightly on the left, etc. They think she was robbed and undermined, not that she’s a piece of shit and a bad politician (deadly combo).

    They project(ed) their fervor for Hillary onto “Bernie bros” in 2016. They projected Hillary’s (documented) corruption within the DNC that helped ensure she won the primary onto Trump acting like Russia somehow literally won him the election the same the DNC (again, documented) very much so pressed the scale for her. That doesn’t mean it’s fraudulent (another democrat projection or lie onto the left), it just means it was absolutely “not fair.” Not that I expect it to be, I expect liberals to cheat, but good luck explaining what happened to them without “oh so you just think blah blah blah.” No, I don’t think shit. DNC insiders have written books on their individual direct roles in her winning. The Russian shit in 2016, on the other hand, has basically been dismissed by every serious person as background noise at best. Also, not to mention, if they really care about foreign govs influencing elections then WHAT THE FUCK IS HILLARY DOING SIDING WITH THE LITERAL FOREIGN GOVERNMENT OF ISRAEL’S FOREIGN LOBBY KNOWN AS AIPAC. That sentence probably just killed at least two liberals whose brains melted trying to justify their queen’s bullshit.

    So anyway, ranting aside, I have a deep unhinged (by also…justified and thus “hinged”) hatred for Hillary and her diehards who somehow find a way to crawl out of every crevice at every opportunity with a maniac grin on their faces asking in her voice “it sounds like you support Mr. Putin!”

    That insane support simply doesn’t exist for Biden. He absolutely has political support, but it’s in the typical democratic teamsports way. Not a personal parasocial attachment the way it is with Hillary. If Biden loses, I think libs will blame the left, etc. but there won’t be some residual Biden contingent in 2028 and beyond. Well, for one he’ll be dead probably, but beyond that he lacks the insane cult of lack-of-personality that she has accumulated.

    Anyway fuck Hillary. Hell has her seat reserved and it’s overdue

  • So manning got sentenced to 35 years under Obama (pardoned after 7 served also by Obama… thanks Obama…)

    Assange was effectively imprisoned all this time and his official sentence is apparently going to be 5 years counting time served already so the feds get a “W” and now he can leave London finally

    I wonder how much time the people on video murdering Reuters reporters got… oh, zero. The only real response from Obama’s DoD was “🤷 looks legal, bub 🤷 what can we do? 🤷” The same shit they’ve always said. Same shit they run now to cover for Israeli war crimes. They literally justified the killing of the reporters by saying they were embedded with militants… simply because the “militants” had AKs. People in a non-US country had weapons, reporters were there for whatever reason, US kills all of them, and post-death just calls them all terrorists. Reuters took it too. They ate shit and never openly called out the DoD.

    Guess it’s just important to remember with all the recent insanity from Israel and US protecting the IOF, this is really just the same shit they always do

    Dogshit country where no good deed ever goes unpunished

  • A lot of liberals are in a weird delusional place where “actually, it’s Trump who is senile!”

    I do agree on a basic human-level that we shouldn’t be mocking dementia. My grandmother had dementia for like 10 years or whatever before she died and it kinda starts out as “haha, grandma thinks it’s Friday again” or whatever and ends with “Jesus Christ, grandma shit herself again and keeps telling my aunt that grandpa should be home by now… grandpa’s been dead for 25 years. And now my aunt is having a mental breakdown after the 100th time this month having to re explain to her pissed off mom that Dad is dead.”

    So, yeah, shit is really dark and sad.

    But if you told me to rate Trump or Biden on “cognitively aware” scale I’d say Trump is still nearly where he was 10, 20 years ago. Obviously he has moments, we ALL have moments regardless of age, where he gaffs or forgets simple facts. Trump’s also a bit of a dumbass, so sometimes libs end up classifying him being an asshole/dumbass as him being senile. Like, no, he’s just an asshole on many topics.

    You can listen to speeches or just appearances from Trump in the 2000s or 1990s and he sounds very very much the same. If you do the same for Biden… it’s extremely obvious he has less energy, his memory isn’t as good as it was, he’s constantly gaffing or fumbling his words.

    And none of this stuff really means that much in a vacuum. Like someone with a stutter shouldn’t have to face discrimination as if they’re stupid because they stutter. I think we all know now days that a stutter has nothing to do with someone’s intelligence or competence. But what is a sign of cognitive decline is him stuttering like he did as a kid. It was something he sort of overcame to a large degree, and now it’s very obvious he has lapsed back into having an obvious stutter. Again, the stutter isn’t my concern. The concern is the decline, the regression and apparent inability to continue to control or overcome something that he once very clearly had overcome.

    I think liberals, for ideological reasons, can’t see it’s not just mocking him, it has basis in observable reality. One of them speaks similarly to how he did in 1990, and one can’t, even when jazzed up on the Hitler speedball shots or whatever they’re shooting Biden up with.

    I understand there’s legitimate concern over ageism or mocking disabilities, etc. I just think if I were to condense down the essence of “mandatory requirements for the job” of being President or a leader of anything really, I would rank cognitive ability, being fully aware of their surroundings at all times, fully capable of recalling information within reason, being able to communicate clearly. It’s just life. People can respect elders (not that Biden deserves it, speaking generally) but also simultaneously recognize there is definitely a cutoff point when grandpa needs the keys taken away. Joe’s expiration date was probably at least ten years ago…

  • Just gonna be super honest: any fascists who go around online actively repeating bullshit they heard from Vietnam vet 7th grade social studies or history teacher about “Soviet occupation” of the Eastern European states has to be removed from society. I won’t specify how to do that whether it’s removing their ability to have internet access like one might do to a convicted pedo, re-education, permanent imprisonment or… 🤔… but they gotta go. Their brains were destroyed at some point and they lack the ability/willpower to even begin fixing them. Maybe some can be saved with intense re-education, but I believe many are too far gone.

    And just to say again, I’m specifically speaking about those who are broken in this anti-communist way AND actively cannot shut the fuck up about it. Ultimately a small segment of society, but spreading their worms to others.

  • Seems like shit!

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