Men get so many mixed messages in today’s society, from being called toxic to being pushed to be top dog (or else you’re a loser). There are lots of expectations put on men, and various ways men rebel against those.

What can be done to address society’s negative views of men and masculinity? And how can we formulate what healthy masculinity looks like, so we can teach that to our boys?

    1 year ago

    Look, we’re gonna have to clarify some things.

    Masculinity is the way men act that gets women interested in them. Same with femininity.

    The desire for feminine women never went away, men were just beaten up until they kept their preferences to themselves and told to deal with it on their own. Which men by and large did (often by walking away from dating altogether)

    Masculinity is the set of behaviors and traits a man possesses that makes a woman sexually attracted to him. It has fuck all to do with the man himself, and everything to do with women’s perception of that man.

    Women’s perceptions are far more frequently these days that men are shit, trash, and that everything that men were praised and rewarded for doing is now “bare minimum”

    On top of that, the social machine looked at this and thought “ooo I can use this to get better slaves/drones/workers/cogs” so there’s a bunch of bullshit thrown in too that makes the factory owner very happy.

    So really, the entire concept is some bullshit manipulation that is now falling apart simply because women’s expectations exploded in scope, while at the same time the expectations put on women evaporated

    So men have to do 10x the work for 1/10 the benefit to be considered “masculine”, and to be honest it’s not worth the effort anymore.

    Men are also waking up to the fact that these concepts are used to control them, not benefit them

    So, to answer your question: nothing can be done (from the men’s side)

    And quite frankly, it’s a concept that should die, not because we don’t need “masculine” men, but because we already have men, we as a society just need to stop treating them like shit