This is one of my cats; Blue. He was recently attacked by something, or someone, while I was at work, last week. I’m currently fundraising for his treatment. It is going to be over $2000. 😞

    6 months ago

    they could sedate him, clean the wound, and administer antibiotics for just over $2000

    OP I don’t know how long it will take you to get the money but please clean the wounds as best you can yourself in the meantime.

    I remember someone in your other post said it’s probably dog bite abscess. I have cleaned those before. You will need warm water, put a little betadine iodine in it and use soaked cotton wool to very gently “lick” the wound as if you are another cat.

    Wrapp the cat’s body securely in a towel first.

    I would phone another vet and ask for a quote as what you have been quoted sounds insane to me especially since they didn’t even tell you what the wounds are.

    • ParabolicMotion@lemmy.worldOP
      6 months ago

      I have been cleaning his wounds. He is really good about it. He doesn’t fight me, but I can tell it hurts him to have them cleaned.

      I am so close to meeting the quote on the vet’s form. If it is met today, I can take him to the 24 hour vet today, and not make him wait until after I am done with work tomorrow. The local vet will be cheaper, but if I take time off to take him to the vet in the morning, I will be fired. I missed days this month when I was diagnosed with a positive TB test. The doctor later cleared me with a chest x-ray, so I don’t actually have TB, but I missed so many days that my employer warned me. If I miss any more time at work, I’ll be fired. The bad news is, the local vet closes at 4PM, and that is right before I am released from work. The best thing that could happen would be meeting the goal today, and taking him back to that 24 hour vet, even though it is expensive. I know it looks bad, but they could have this done today, and he wouldn’t be suffering.