It felt like it was uncool to have even a touch of racism when Obama got elected and through his presidency. But since the MAGA movement, I feel like subtle and out-right racism has increased. Like a gateway was opened.

Am I trippin?

  • Snot
    2 months ago

    Evidence it sent racists into a tailspin of racism:

    1. Assertion that he was not actually American citizen, born in Kenya.

    2. Assertion that Michele Obama is actually trans and their daughters are adopted.

    3. Tan suit. Don’t have to say much more about this one. Tons of people have worn tan suits without being hassled about it. I wonder why they hassled Obama specifically about it?

    4. In early July 2010, the North Iowa Tea Party (NITP) posted a billboard showing a photo of Adolf Hitler with the heading “National Socialism”, one of Barack Obama with the heading “Democrat Socialism”, and one of Vladimir Lenin with the heading “Marxist Socialism”, all three marked with the word “change” and the statement “Radical leaders prey on the fearful and naive”.

    5. Google is doing a pretty damn good job of throwing these ones down the memory hole, but there were a massive number of photoshops of Obama as a monkey. I also remember conservatives acting like it wasn’t a big deal because there had been a photoshop of George W. Bush as a monkey floating around since around 2004.

    This was when he was running for President and while he was President. Those are just examples off the top of my head.

    I don’t even like Obama. He let war criminals off the hook and then legalized and codified the worst excesses of the War on Terror under Bush.

    But it’s clear as hell that his mere existence made conservatives lose their fucking minds and they’ve never come back from it.

    • BadmanDan@lemmy.worldOP
      2 months ago

      Holy! Never knew any of that. I wasn’t on social media that much during his presidency, so whatever the news showed is what I saw. And obviously they weren’t showing this insanity at the forefront. Thank you for this, gonna check it all out.