• Shdwdrgn@mander.xyz
    4 months ago

    Do we trust the guy who tanked his own party’s bipartisan bill just so he could still keep rambling on about there being a “problem” with immigrants? We all know Biden only made this change because conservatives can’t see part their own rhetoric about the border problem, they choose to ignore that Republicans won’t pass any bill regarding the border with daddy-Trump’s blessing, now will they acknowledge the fact that the number of people illegally entering has actually gotten lower under Biden.

    If the party on the right actually wanted to DO something about immigration, they could have done so already. This post is just another lame attempt to make a “both sides” argument while ignoring the reality of the situation.

      • Shdwdrgn@mander.xyz
        4 months ago

        The Dems are in charge? Excuse you? Republicans have 49 votes (compared to 47 for Dems) in the Senate, and 218 votes (213 for Dems) in the House.

          • Shdwdrgn@mander.xyz
            4 months ago

            Also, 2010 was the last time Dems controlled both houses, so you’re wrong on that count as well.

          • Shdwdrgn@mander.xyz
            4 months ago

            Which makes no difference since they have no say over SCOTUS rulings. You could just as easily be arguing that the Republicans didn’t block abortion rights during all of the many times they have been in control of both houses AND has a president backing them. Didn’t make any difference then, either, did it?

            • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmy.mlOPM
              4 months ago

              The mental gymnastics that libs will do to justify their party making no attempt to uphold anything it stands for are absolutely hilarious. You people are the main reason burgerland is the shithole that it is.

              • Shdwdrgn@mander.xyz
                4 months ago

                You’re the one who is trying to change grade-school level politics to suit your own beliefs. If you think I’m making this up then it’s up to you to prove me wrong. If the best you can come up with is name-calling then you already know you lost the argument.

                • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmy.mlOPM
                  4 months ago

                  What you’re doing here is pure sophistry. There’s no actual statement to be proven wrong. Dems did not lift a finder, and that’s the reality. Grow up.

    • RustyVenture [he/him]@hexbear.net
      4 months ago

      Hey, it would actually be a good idea for the Democrats to not pass inhumane, illegal, Republican border policies just to “own the cons.” Them doing what the GOP wants but with less pushback (and more slobbering excuse-making from their cult of pathetic dimwitted losers) is precisely why the “both sides” argument is merely a statement of fact made after observing objective fucking reality.

      Next time, Democrats should actually do the opposite of what they did here and what they did with the racist bipartisan border bill instead of defaulting to hurting real people, wasting time and money over a measure that will by all accounts be shot down by the courts, and breaking national and international laws just so they could pretend they pulled off a 5D chess move that literally no one outside of their low-information cult will ever reward them for.

      • Shdwdrgn@mander.xyz
        4 months ago

        So you’re saying it was bad of Biden to take families and humanitarian considerations into account when when he passed his bill, and he should have just done the same thing Trump did? Plus Biden already knows it’s going to get shot down in court (just like Trump’s bill did) and therefore it has no teeth except for shutting down the whiny complaints of Trump.

          • Shdwdrgn@mander.xyz
            4 months ago

            At least I actually acknowledge that ALL of the candidates are shit and we need to try to pick the one who has made some effort towards improving some aspects. If we’re “shameless” then what do you call the people who support someone who can’t even acknowledge their own mistakes and blame everyone else when something goes against them? Everything is “rigged”? A court of his peers is rigged because he lost? A national election is rigged because he lost? Hell even TV networks are rigged because he lost “The Apprentice”. The man thinks he’s a literal god and that everybody loves him, yet his ego can’t handle when photographic evidence shows how few people care to support him.

            • NuclearDolphin@lemmy.ml
              4 months ago

              yes, Trump is a malignant narcisist, we’ve known that for a decade now.

              You clap for Trump’s policies and make excuses for them when its team blue implementing them.

              You only dislike Trump because he’s a loud-mouth baffoon. I dislike Trump because he’s a rabid imperialist representing the will of global north fascists. We are not the same.

        • RustyVenture [he/him]@hexbear.net
          4 months ago

          See, no amount of turd polish is gonna make that turd shine. You can’t paper over the poison that the bill is laced with and expect to be praised for stumping/voting for it when people who are the unwilling recipients of the poison get strapped down to the table for no other reason than an absolutely abominable ploy to “paint the other guys as hypocrites” or to shut down “the whiny complaints of Trump”—a guy who, by the way, isn’t even in the government. The bill:

          • Changed to asylum rules that would have risked removing the legal review of cases by judges (which lots of mainstream press disgustingly dressed up as “speeding up the process”)
          • Included billions in additional funding for the fascist border patrol and the private companies operating the concentration camps
          • Revived construction of the wall Trump wanted
          • Imposing dystopian levels of round-the-clock surveillance (also run by private prison corps) on immigrant families

          Then there’s the provision that would give the president unilateral power to restrict asylum whenever they get nervous around one of the White House’s maintenance workers (and of course Biden made this even more draconian in his executive order by halving the number of crossings that would allow the president to trigger the closure).

          The spoonful of sugar the Democrats managed to get into the bill effectively pits different sets of traumatized groups (that we had a hand in traumatizing) against one another: The party can sing the praises of the “good” parts of the bill while anyone pointing out all of the fashy shit in it that’s actually really fuckin’ bad can be refuted by referring back to the few issues Dems didn’t agree to allow the GOP to fully steer. That Biden seemingly believes the executive order will be struck down anyway just continues to affirm he’s just as willing to toy with people’s lives, enact racist and inhumane policy out of moral cowardice, and waste time on a lark as the GOP is, while facing far less scrutiny for doing so because “it could always be worse!”

          I’m old enough to remember when these policies were as sickening to the current president and his party as they were and still are to me. Democrats like Biden and Chuck Schumer were quite vocal about the the previous regime’s border policies and how needlessly harmful they were. Now that it’s more politically advantageous to jump on the mixed austerity-and-manufactured border “crisis” bandwagon, the most vulnerable people, their families, their relatives, and the advocates that do crucial work filling in the gaps the US government refuses to fill are left high and dry wondering where the party that was supposed to be there for them went and why they’re now pawns in an electoral gambit that didn’t even fucking pan out!

          Now we’ll get to watch the GOP draw a new line in the sand and demand the Dems step over it so they can meet in the middle, and because they have no answer that will satisfy their base/protect the vulnerable and satisfy their business partners, friends, future and former employers, or the industries that thrive on exploitation of the most vulnerable. Or they win this year and just do this shit anyway—after all, any Democrats in Congress who get re-elected and supported the 2024 bill will be on the back foot for explaining their flip-flopping to the far-right opportunists who will absolutely drag them through the mud over it, and batting away an empowered Republican party even more eager to maximize the suffering of brown people instead of shifting things back into their own favor for once.

  • nobody158@r.nf
    4 months ago

    The top had no exceptions, the bottom has exceptions for asylum seekers when they go throughthe proper channels. The top plans to federally block abortion and access to contraceptives.

    This both sides shit is disingenuous.