• tsonfeir@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Most of them aren’t lefties anyway. They’re accelerationIsts who want to make actual lefties feel like they aren’t left enough.

    • PugJesus@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      “Brutal civil war or coups made by small cliques always work out in favor of leftists, and never in favor of autocrats and juntas!” - Average Accelerationist

      • WhatIsThePointAnyway@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        I love how they say “violent revolution is the only answer” while doing no violent revolutionary actions. Where are these armies of leftists ready to die for the cause exactly? I want to see left wing policies implemented but too many on the left just pick each other apart for minor differences instead of looking at the bigger picture. This is why MAGA has so much power with a minority of voters backing it.

        • PugJesus@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          It’s like, fuck. They’re demanding everything with a power base of next to nothing. Who do they think is going to be on their side in the case of a civil war? It’s going to be the two biggest groups gathering an umbrella of acceptable collaborators under them. Neither of the two biggest groups are likely to be radical fucking leftists, because radical leftists are a tiny, tiny minority in this country.

          They want to negotiate like they have a massive popular base in this country, despite all evidence to the contrary. Conservatives have a massive popular base in this country. Liberals have a massive popular base in this country. You can’t throw a rock down the street without hitting one or the other. Fuck, you want some leftist movements in the US? I’m with you. But guess what? That requires us to convince a lot of fucking people, and no amount of bitching and moaning about shitlibs is going to get us any closer to that.

          There’s no heroic moment where you pop up from the crowd and wave the red flag, and everyone spontaneously drops their former ideology and starts singing the Internationale. Convincing people is long, tedious, thankless work, and no matter how successful you are, your individual contribution won’t matter. You don’t get a medal of the Soviet Union for it. You don’t even get a pat on the head. If you’re really fucking lucky, you see change in your lifetime. The February and October Revolution didn’t spring out of the inner heart of the worker, who is born with a complete library of Marx and Engels inscribed on their soul - it was the result of work by socialist activists on the ground in Russia dating back to (or even before) the 18 fucking 60s.

          And in the meantime? We have to figure out what the hell kind of society we can negotiate with the majority to live in. And saying “I don’t want to negotiate; I surrender to whatever everyone else decides” is the stupidest shite in that context, which is what abstaining from voting and like measures are.

          • WhatIsThePointAnyway@lemmy.world
            4 months ago

            I often think they are just troll farm people shilling to try to get Trump in power because I can’t see how any American can see the discourse in this country and think leftists are the majority. I think lots of people find many individual left wing policies popular, but will those people identify and vote for true leftist candidates? Bernie was the farthest left candidate I’ve seen in my 40+ years and we couldn’t even get him to win a primary (I know the establishment pushed against him, but had he had a vast majority of votes and not slim margins of victory, they couldn’t have pulled that off). If they are real people, I can’t tell if these commenters live on campuses where it’s that heavily leftist or what America they seem to be living in.