• OccamsRazer@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I guess it’s political in that it is an acknowledgement that Jesus is the highest authority, higher than governments on earth. I don’t think it’s saying that the king of the land (or the government) is Jesus. Most Christians view government as being subjects of God, subject to God’s authority. The government makes laws that are within its scope to do, but cannot exceed that scope. The constitution was written with this in mind, very intentionally, as a way to limit the power of government, although they used the term natural law I think, which Christians interpret as God’s authority.

    But that said, obedience to government is a duty and obligation for Christians as well.

    I’m still not really sure what your point is, so I’m kinda just spewing what I know on that general topic.

    • kandoh@reddthat.com
      4 months ago

      It’s about the divine right of kings, you probably know the Chinese version which is the mandate of heaven

      The divine right of kings was a political and religious doctrine that asserted monarchs derived their authority directly from God, not from the people or any earthly authority.[2][3] It held that kings were accountable only to God and rebellion against them was a sacrilegious act.[2][3]

      The key principles were:

      • Monarchs were ordained by God to rule and were not subject to the will of the people, aristocracy, or church.[2][3]
      • Any attempt to depose or restrict the monarch’s powers went against God’s will and constituted treason.[2][3]
      • The monarch was accountable only to God, not to any earthly authority.[2][3]

      The doctrine emerged in Europe during the medieval period, rooted in the idea that God bestowed earthly power to kings, just as He gave spiritual authority to the church.[3] It gained prominence under monarchs like James I of England and Louis XIV of France in the 16th-17th centuries, justifying their absolute authority in political and spiritual matters.[2][3]

      Citations: [1] Divine right of kings - Oxford Reference https://www.oxfordreference.com/display/10.1093/oi/authority.20110810104754564 [2] Divine right of kings - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divine_right_of_kings [3] Divine Right of Kings - New World Encyclopedia https://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Divine_Right_of_Kings [4] What is the divine right of kings? | GotQuestions.org https://www.gotquestions.org/divine-right-of-kings.html [5] divine right of kings - Britannica Kids https://kids.britannica.com/kids/article/divine-right-of-kings/476251

      • OccamsRazer@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        Yes well the nature of government is changed now, so the divine right of kings would be more like the divine right of the democratically elected government, including all of the limits, checks and balances established by that government. As such, a government exceeding its own authority, as determined by itself, is not within the established divine rights.

        And so your argument about forcibly vaccinating the populace (as though they were sheep), and it being justified by a divine right to rule, does not hold up unless laws were written specifically to allow that. But even that might be exceeding the scope of current western governments and would certainly be challenged along those lines.

        • kandoh@reddthat.com
          4 months ago

          Jesus is King. The United States is part of God’s Kingdom on Earth irregardless of whatever form of government it has, and God would not permit any individual to hold power in government without His consent and blessing. Man’s opinion on this is irrelevant.