• TankovayaDiviziya@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Thank you for showing us that you’ve never read any seriou economic analysis about the USSR and you’re just regurgitating anti-communist propaganda.

    The standard communist thought terminating response “you haven’t the theory, so you don’t know what you’re talking about and shut up”. That maybe the case, but that is irrelevant. Which system is still standing as we speak? Even China is communist in name only and is a state capitalist with rapid increasing number of billionaires than the United States in the past couple of years.

    Rationing and breadlines still happened for more years as opposed to free market economy, man. It’s not even consumer and basic commodities that is scarce, but even cars are. It is well known how Soviets had to wait seven to ten years just to buy a car. There is scarcity economy because the system is not great, with prices of everything controlled by the state, which is contrary to the realities of market supply and demand. If communism is great, it wouldn’t have fell. And the remaining “communist” countries are only as such in name only.

    • volodya_ilich@lemm.ee
      2 months ago

      Again, thank you for enlightening us with your lack of researched analysis. Please, I beg you to tell me a single book on the topic that you’ve read.

      It’s not even consumer and basic commodities that is scarce, but even cars are

      Cars are a consumer commodity. I already explained the shortage economy of the USSR. You’re trying to compare the consumer capabilities of citizens of the USSR with what, those of the US? The literal hegemon country of the world, participating in colonialism and unequal exchange to absurd degrees, and industrialized for 100 years more than the USSR? The comparison is ridiculous.

      If communism is great, it wouldn’t have fell

      …which it didn’t. The illegal, antidemocratic, top-down dismantling of the USSR, was a political decision taken by a few politicians in the party, not a “failure that made the country crumble”. The USSR survived to a civil war, and to a WW2 in which Nazis murdered 25mn+ soviet inhabitants. Much worse economies like that of Cuba still subsist with a very healthy base of communist citizens. Please, go read a history book, instead of spouting the anti-communist propaganda we’ve all heard a million times. The USSR didn’t fall, it was dismantled.