I’m sure you had been in this situation. A dinner with some family friends, around a big table, maybe at home or a restaurant. Everyone’s talking about their lives, their kids, gossip, maybe certain neighbours are divorcing, cheating is everything, how expensive is everything, etc. And then your family friend, gay uncle or whatever asks you how are you doing “it’s being years since I’ve see you”

And you’re like: I’m fine thanks 😓

They ask you stuff, like when are you going to get a gf, still don’t have a job or whatever… And you awkwardly try to cut short the conversion or fake going to the bathroom… That’s me most of the time, my life is nothing, empty, I have nothing to report and I don’t wanna change just to look make better impression. I don’t wanna “evolve”.

That’s why I avoid every invitation from now. Is usually my mom with the neighbours anyways, since I don’t have friends and I don’t like them.

  • sentientity@lemm.ee
    2 months ago

    No, I’m not. But my family and their acquaintances asked everyone these things too, and it was just a passive aggressive way to judge peoples’ life choices and sometimes outright imply they were making the wrong ones by being single/queer/disabled/different/whatever. I have no idea why it’s considered socially acceptable anywhere lol. Sorry you’re dealing with this