thank you

  • There’s nothing wrong with mixing! Any food grade oil will work (cosmetic too but it will be pricier!).

    I’d start with a 10% castor mix, try it for a week (so your skin can adapt), then adjust the mix accordingly until you figure out what works for you. More castor oil dries your skin more. Skin still oily? Add castor oil. Too dry? Put in less.

    For example, I use 5% in winter and 7,5 in summer. I use a perm bottle, which makes dosing and mixing easy, but you do you. 2/5

    • Just wash your face using your oil mix, massage it to really get all the first out, then wipe off with a wrung washcloth. Then apply 2-3 drops of pure oil (not castor oil!) to keep your skin hydrated. It will feel odd at first because we expect our skin is supposed to be completely dry, but that’s wrong! Don’t skip this hydration step! You may not want to do it right before bed so your skin has time to absorb it (otherwise, some of it will get into your pillowcase—it will wash off but some 3/5

        • @addictedtochaos Technically yes. Sadly, that’s not ways the case, especially with acne-prone skin. The oil mix cleans by replacing dirty oil with clean oils. Then the hydrating oil works by keeping your skin not to produce so much of it. In my experience, acne products just strip the skin of any sort of hydration, which just makes the problem worse, as oil production goes in overdrive.

          Now that I know what properly hydrated skin feels like, I know mine has always been oily or stripped.

            16 days ago

            I had coconut opil, so i plastrd my face, and had it on my face for like 25 minutes, the i had the wet cloth.

            i dont have the feeling that it really peeled everything magiacalloy from my skin, but what surprised me, was that my skin actually DID felt good afterwards and now in the morning. i think the trick is apllying it, AND removing it carefully again; normally, you don’t do that, you put creme on your skin, and it stays there.

            how many times a day do you do that?

            • @addictedtochaos I wouldn’t recommend using coconut oil because it’s super comedogenic. And nothing will change anything magically! It’s a process. The process just happened to work surprisingly fast for me.

              I don’t leave it on, I just rub it around the same way I would if it was soap, to get the dirty oil and grime (and makeup, if any) off, then wipe it off with the wrung-wet cloth. You’d think oil requires some scrubbing to remove, but no. Just wipe off, no rubbing necessary.

      • find it off-putting!). You may pat (not rub) any excess off if need be. You’ll figure out the exact proportion that works for you.

        You should do this twice a day. Don’t use any other skin products (makeup is fine). After a little while, you’ll even feel the gritty stuff coming out of your pores! It feels weird but satisfying!

        If you look up the OCM, you’ll see ppl recommending a whole hot misting routine but I never found it made any difference. Wash with oil mix, wipe off, hydrate. 4/5

        • Some also say to start with up to 30% castor oil but that is whack! Love yourself, don’t do that! A 30% mix will leave your skin absolutely parched!

          Castor oil also is great for healing. I too was a picker and everything healed much, much faster once I started using the OCM.

          Really, it changed my life, which is why I’m so enthusiastic about it. Feel free to ask any question! (5/5)