• delendum@lemdit.com
      1 year ago

      It’s very disappointing. They seem to be testing the waters, for example this guy won’t outright promote pedophilia, instead he’ll make arguments such as:

      • teenagers over 14 are fully developed young adults
      • it’s bigotry to treat them like children
      • it harms and infantilizes teenagers over 14 to treat them like children
      • the brain is fully developed by 14, the rest is just a myth
      • power imbalances between adults and teens are a myth
      • puritans are to blame for the hysteria against age difference in sexual partners
      • hysteria around pedophiles today is the same as the witch hunts of the past
      • child beauty padgents are just kids playing dress-up and harm nobody
      • punishment for adults who have sex with teenagers over 14 is disproportionate for a crime that hurts nobody

      …etc. Nothing he says is technically illegal so he’s banking on everyone going along with it on this technicality. At the end of the day, this is a 50+ year old dude with a squeaky voice that is trying to make a case for how he should be able to have sex with 14 year olds. He is (somewhat) indirectly promoting pedophilia and can fuck right off.