Short summery:

Bought property next to a Church, I thiught I get use to it and built a house. Sucks. I am 31, married and happy, atleast one good in my life. I have barely friends, the ones I do have formed a group and are slowly isolating them with me and 3 others. I dunno my life only feels good when I fly to Thailand every 6 months for 2 weeks. I feel lost in my life and bored.

    7 days ago

    Sounds like you’ve got some stuff figured out and you should be proud of that! It sucks when friends drift apart, maybe you could initiate some hangouts if you haven’t tried that already. Not just ‘we should hang out some time’ but something like ‘hey want to to get together this weekend and see a movie’.

    As for feeling lost and bored, I can relate. I still don’t really know how to handle that, I try to lose myself in a hobby, or deep dive into something that interests me. Doesn’t make it stop but it helps forget about it for a while.

    Stay real friend <3