• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Thank you so much for this information! Sorry I respond so late. Its been very busy and I haven’t had time to get on lemmy.

    Before I read this I went ahead and booted up bluebeam studio and got familiar with it. Did some research and got a high temp plate just in case the PEI standard plate the machine came with won’t work with PLA+/PETG. I’ll eventually want to be able to print robust parts as components.

    Then I used up my ebay gift cards and got esun and sunlu on huge sales (there’s like 3 different discounts going right now). Got 17 PLA spools in all sorts of colors including wood, marble and even 2 glow in the dark ones (red and blue) for less than $200. 1kg. I don’t think they’re cheap, since regular price averaged around $20/spool, 30 for the glow ones.

    I won’t use structure either. I heard it’s not necessary. I’m doing my first custom build (kind of, just modified off an existing build) of couple deck cases with the orange/green I have. I already did a couple other runs on the green and that solved the issue with fuzzy cheap builds. I was using the wrong filament. So now I’m excited what I can come up with!

    Thank you for setting me on the right path.

  • Wow thank you. I’m home now, and I’ll swap the white one out for one of the other ones and see how that fares in making a print or 2. What do I do with the white one? Put it in the last slot? Does the machine know when to use the white one as a support?

    What would you consider is your favorite filament to work with? I’m thinking of splurging on a set off ebay. But at the same time, are discount filaments ok?

    And do you use a special plate? People have mentioned golden ones that are easier to bend to pop out the build? Mine just scraped off fairly easy. And I’ve read to use hairspray or windex to make it easier to pop off later.

    I’m sorry I’m asking a lot. I get a hang of things pretty quickly haha, so once I’m going on a system of what to buy and how to install it I’ll be good to go.

  • Yes. This. What was considered clean and unclean to eat was amended in Peter’s vision in acts 10. So was clothing and much else of levitical law during jesus’ gospel.

    Even Paul’s writings about women speaking above men needs to take into context that the church in Ephesus (modern day turkey) was led by young Timothy. The theme was pretty strict to reestablish a baseline of roles and law to apply to Ephesus, which was seen as very immoral, murderous and rebellious. I mean Paul says people should stay celibate and not marry because this can complicate a person’s relationship with God.

    Without going too deep, no, this doesn’t mean women shouldn’t teach because “god” demands women to be inferior/subjugated.

    If that was so why did God use women as prophets and leaders?