• Justice@lemmygrad.ml
    3 months ago

    This dumbass is just dragging his own “reputation” at this point. Or, his wife/family/aids desperately clinging to power are anyway. (Talking about rep amongst the genocidal freaks who love him, not people who seem him for what he is)

    He’s gonna lose badly and the dems won’t even have a unified message of “those goddamn socialists did this! Over Gaza! Waaaah!” anymore. It’s pretty clear that tons of fully Zionist, racist as hell MFers, are demanding him he fuck off. Of course you’ll still see the terminally ill, online Reddit types blaming “tankies” but they are irrelevant. Amongst the actual narrative-writers and such they have daggers out for Biden and the easiest thing to do is, well, blame HIM if he somehow squeezes the nomination and then (of course) loses. I never want to underestimate the rat-like qualities of democrats though, so, it is still possible they lose and then all rotate to blaming the left again. When in doubt, blame that group who’s always correct and constantly making you feel bad- classic liberal mantra.

    If the libs really wanted to “own the left” they would swap in whoever, Kamala is easiest, and then if she loses then they can to full bore ass-ripping mode blaming the left for everything bad for the next four years and more. Of course it’s actually their fault for enabling/not rolling back, etc., but it’s an easier narrative to sell at this point than Biden, the rotting corpse, losing and blaming that on anyone other than the people propping up the corpse. Also we’ve been telling these dipshit motherfuckers to ditch Biden since… well, not counting before he got elected in 2020, since last year when the primaries started there’s been a constant drum of “kick the dead guy out. He’s exceptionally racist and sucks ass even by democratic party standards!”

  • ksdhf@lemmygrad.ml
    3 months ago

    2008 Democratic election campaign: yes we can! 2024 Democratic election campaign: you can’t stop me! No one can stop me! Only God can stop me now!

  • m5rki5n@lemmygrad.ml
    3 months ago

    Does the current president NEED to run after his term? If it’s not mandatory, then why the fuck dems thought it would be a good idea to put Biden in the forefront of the campaign. ANYONE could have gotten better chances especially with the lib mentality of “vote blue no matter who”. Are there really no other candidates available?

    • CCCP Enjoyer@lemmygrad.ml
      3 months ago

      They don’t need to run. They don’t need to win. They don’t care about anyone’s loss of rights. They’re the heralds of fascism just as much as the other party. It’s all identity politics. Trump winning means maximum fundraising. In that way, he’s actually a gift to the democratic party. If Biden lives long enough and wins, they will immediately cast the shadow of Trump over the next election as the next existential threat and money will flow again into the party coffers from pearl-clutching liberal donors. When Trump dies, they will have to prop up some “New Trump” since they aren’t going actually undermine capital to create better conditions. idpol is the only thing the democratic party ever does in US “elections”.

    • barrbaric [he/him]@hexbear.net
      3 months ago

      In 2020 there were like a dozen candidates who represented the establishment, but none of them were doing well during the primaries so, in order to stop a possible Bernie nomination, they all dropped out (possibly due to Obama interfering directly) and the DNC coalesced around Biden as the pick. Harris was chosen as VP for the inverse of why Biden was Obama’s VP pick: a woman of color is good optics when compared to the racist cracker who was going to be president.

      Any dems with a national profile atm tend to be from the extremes of the party (Bernie or AOC vs Manchin or Pelosi etc), who are widely hated by large segments of the population and seen as non-viable. They haven’t elevated any of the candidates from 2020 to a higher profile either (Pete the Rat is secretary of transportation but that’s hardly a sexy post). This is why the like third place candidate on betting sites is Michelle Obama. The dems have consciously chosen to do nothing and have fucked themselves over in the process.

      • amemorablename@lemmygrad.ml
        3 months ago

        I do wonder if the democratic party could produce much of anything viable at this point even with a concerted effort to do so. Biden seems to have largely gotten in on “he’s not Trump”. Bernie might have been a real shot at a milquetoast reformist, but even without the capitalists doing everything they could to stop him, the anti-anything-remotely-socialist-sounding rhetoric in the US is strong. And if we look at how pathetic Bernie’s takes on the genocide against Palestine have been, who’s to say he wouldn’t have been funding it just like Biden is, but with slightly different rhetoric and so receiving much the same criticism Biden is.

        Trump on the other hand, is willing to say he wants to do something drastically different. In practice, I’m not sure even he has any real intention of consolidating a new christo-fascist order, but he is at least willing to play the part of wanting to and that prolongs the belief for a little longer that the shambling burger empire can be changed significantly through voting.

        I could see it being plausible that the capitalists would throw their support behind a Trump kind of figure getting rid of the facade of democracy because of not having much else of direction to go with it. How many times can they do the same Charlie Brown / Lucy Football maneuver while conditions continue to deteriorate for most USians before a critical mass of people go, “Yeah, this stuff is a bunch of BS and we’re not going to feed into the facade anymore.” The anything-but-Trump panic pushed by liberals seems to center on this idea that there is in fact a functional “democracy” and that Trump is going to destroy it, but nowhere in this panic do liberals explain why their candidates are so incredibly bad that a guy like Trump is viable in the first place.

        It’s bizarre watching them effectively tell people “we are one of the worst things there is in your universe, but vote for us anyway.” And I’m not sure it’s tactical ineptitude or neglect, so much as it is having reached the limits of pretending to care without meaningfully doing anything for regular people while in office. Obama did nothing to shake up anything while putting on a show like he was the kind of person who would. Biden has done nothing to shake up anything while the media acts like he’s FDR. Liberals can pull out a list of minor stuff they’ve done, but none of it addresses the fundamentals and it’s the fundamentals that leaves people open to a guy like Trump to come in and say, “I’m not going to legitimize how ridiculous and humiliating this system is.” Of course, he’s perfectly capable of legitimizing it anyway, while pretending not to, and I think that’s much of what he did when he was in office before. But then there is the following he has who doesn’t see it that way and they may push him to challenge the fundamentals more than he actually wants to himself. Shaking things up wouldn’t exactly be a cozy thing to attempt. He’d be taking a lot of risk that the existing fascist forces of neoliberalism rally against him and make the remains of his life more painful, and I don’t think his heart is really in it on the beliefs.

        • barrbaric [he/him]@hexbear.net
          3 months ago

          Oh, the dems definitely can’t. Their whole thing is a continued erosion of quality of life for the general populace, while occasionally being physically dragged kicking and screaming into passing some meaningful social legislation (gay marriage and the like). But people still like Obama despite being an empty suit whose job was to ruin their lives because he played the role well. The fact that they can’t even do that anymore is quite worrisome.

          Agreed that Trump doesn’t really want to do anything because he’s a lazy fool. The real concern imo will be the guy who comes after Trump who is an ideologically committed fascist who is able to capitalize on the shift in the overton window. The dems will do nothing to oppose this, as you pointed out.

  • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmygrad.ml
    3 months ago

    It’s hilarious how he sounds more like Trump each and every day. I also notice they started painting him orange to make him look less like a corpse.

  • porcupine@lemmygrad.ml
    3 months ago

    Democracy is when god decides who will be president, who will be a billionaire, and who will die on the streets after medical bankruptcy

  • Mzuark@lemmygrad.ml
    3 months ago

    I don’t want anything to happen to Joe. But messaging like this makes me think that his cabinet does.

  • QueerCommie@lemmygrad.ml
    3 months ago

    God has a chance to do the funniest thing ever. She doesn’t seem to care about so much stuff, it would be crazy if she showed up now.