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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • In addition to this, poverty levels were set like 80 years ago based on the cost of food alone. They took an “average” grocery order, made up, and used a set percentage to extrapolate out. So say the recommendation is 30% of your income on food and then average spend was $100 ->100/0.3= $333.

    So while the levels haven’t been updated in a long time, simultaneously we’ve added whole sectors of the economy that weren’t envisioned when this calculation was performed. Transportation and education are huge expenses that used to be much cheaper or nearly free. Add to that the fact that housing, transportation, education, and medical costs have skyrocketed above average inflation, and the poverty numbers are worse than meaningless.

  • So first off, I’m taking this at face value and want to explain why this might not have read how you intended. Second, I am not trans, so others may have another opinion with more weight, but I want to try to explain so that they may be won’t have to do the emotional work of responding.

    The trick, for me, is how much space and time you give, and in what order, and how much evidence is available to support it. Your comment began with suppositions and theories, we don’t have much (if any) evidence for drugs or self harm, and it’s an equal quantity to the good stuff you were saying toward the end.

    Could suicide or drugs be a possible cause? Sure. But so could an exotic parasite, or the wrath of God, or someone sneaking into their house and poisoning them. But we don’t have any evidence for any of that, and spit balling it as a theory takes away from the concrete facts that we do know: they were assaulted, they sought medical care for the assault, and their condition worsened over the next few days in a way that seems to be related.

  • Been a death cult. Any pro-life stance they have is to create more soldiers for the forever war.

    They don’t believe anyone should have a decent life, because then they wouldn’t be driven to die to get to heaven.

    They don’t want to provide education beyond what’s needed to believe your pastor regarding his interpretation of the Bible. If you want education, they want to force you into the army for, you guessed it, forever war.

    They worship a god who begat himself just to sacrifice himself to himself, to “save” us from the sin that he orchestrated. And every one of their policies mirrors this “logic.”

    There are Christians who believe that Jesus is the embodiment of God’s love, grace, forgiveness, charity, etc. But they’re not the ones in control of the churches, or any of the “seven mountains.”