• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • I want to learn more about the LGBT community and since I’m a cis white guy living in a post soviet country, who grew up in a conservative family, I know jack shit.

    So I want to ask this question, is it okay for minors to have an opportunity to make surgeries on themselves? Like, we have age gaps for a reason, is there something that I’m missing here? Should there not be any regulations regarding this?

    Like, minors are notoriously not great at making decisions or being reasonable, I wouldn’t trust myself doing something this big, that’s for sure.

  • Okay, so I wanted to make a comment saying that a shit ton, if not the majority of g*mers (in the triple-A industry) are anti-woke racist fuckers, but I’m not sure how true that sentiment is.

    The reason why I wanted to say that is because the overall narrative that I see among “woke”, sweet baby topics is dominated by these kinds of people. And the other side is represented, maybe, only among the developers and a small portion of not braindead gamers, who don’t play only Sony AAA exclusives.

    But I hesitated because sales numbers don’t usually lie. Those scary “woke” games still made a shit ton of money, so I could probably just be exaggerating the number of people who actually care about this.

    What do you think?

  • Fascism < Territory

    Liberals got their priorities straight, probably why they were giving up Europe to Nazis so easily… Oh wait, well, war could have started, so then peace probably is more important than Territory.

    Fascism < Territory < Peace

    But USSR wanted to help out France and Britain in case of German expansion and they didn’t took this proposal, so it probably looks like this.

    Being allies with Soviets < Fascism < Territory < Peace

    Got it, Soviets are evil, case closed.

  • The US, Japan, South Korea are the best examples

    You know, the US that were so democratic to genocide the native population of the continent, using slave labor to build their economy while being systematically racist for their whole existence. The country that didn’t have a single war on their soil, brought wars, despair and poverty to the other regions of the world.

    Or fucking Japan that was just dumped with money and US control to become their satellite state, just like South Korea. So in order to be a democracy, and not to be the US, you need to totally give up your sovereignty? Is that how it works?

    Is that the price that you need to pay to be a democracy? The one of the best examples of it? What the fuck is this guy thinking.

  • His response is interesting.

    It also leads to racial hatred and division and doesn’t actually address the issues. It’s like Nazis saying that black people commit so much crime because of biology. It’s false, leads needlessly to hate, and nothing gets done.

    He basically created a straw man because I rarely/ever see “woke” media that is genially racist towards white people. But then he’s trying to compare “white struggle” in the MEDIA to a real life struggle of black people, which is really fucked up. And what’s funny, he’s saying that “Nazis” say that, when people that are generally on the right are keen to be racist and make those claims, but he doesn’t want to associate with them, to not seem like he is battling one racism with the other, so he says that exclusively Nazis say this shit.