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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Good explanation.

    This has the interesting implication that the relative speed between the portals is “added” to whatever goes through it.

    Example: the blue portal is on a train running with the same speed in opposite direction. The people-bundle would instantaneously be accelerated to twice the speed of each of the trains. (This becomes a real headscratcher if you were able to put the portals in a particle accelerator)

  • Certainly, pretty much all of them dealt with the question of justifying authority. That doesn’t mean ofc that one should simply accepts the answers given.

    That is also why I brought those topics up, bc they are the difficult ones in both ideologies. (justification/corruption of power [Marxism] vs. industrial production/class divide [Anarchism])

    Also different Marxist authors reach different conclusions, but a general justification for transitional authority of one class is common ofc. A defense of revolutionary authority that is more approachable from a anarchist/libertarian standpoint is Rosa Luxemburgs “Reform or Revolution”, in which she also criticizes the lack of democracy in the USSR. Engels “On Authority” is often suggested, but I find it too short and not thorough enough. Antonio Gramsci is also often credited with a nuanced examination with authority

    I can attempt a simple sketch of what I think is a common argument (that doesn’t do actual reading any justice) to justify state authority:

    Marxists base their analysis on materialism. In their view what shapes the social order first and foremost are the material conditions of society, for the sake of the argument say the distribution of wealth (criminally oversimplified to the point its wrong). Individuals on opposing ends of the distribution have irreconcilable material interests (example: employer wants to pay low wages, employee wants high wages) but they share these interests with others in the same end of the distribution, those form classes.

    One class has more influence over society (the owning class) and they shape the ruling ideology justifying them (implicitly) as the ruling class. (An argument that material conditions more so than rational thought shape an ideology is that the philosophers of the so called “age of reason” deemed private ownership self-evident as well as racism as sexism). The state becomes the instrument of one class to rule the other.

    Since class interests are oppositional the ruling class will never voluntarily accept the oppressed class as equal (The narrative of “Class collaboration” is actually associated with fascism), therefore “class struggle” is inevitable.

    The only seen way out of this is a dissolution of contradictions that arise from a divide in material conditions, this necessitates both the development of the productive forces to a point where scarcity doesn’t necessarily begets class contradictions and the disenfranchisement (“proletarization”) of the bourgeoisie, in short a dissolution of classes per se. The vehicle to bring about these changes needs to facilitate a power inversion between the classes (i.e. for de-privatization). Since that doesn’t happen voluntarily revolutionary authority is necessary and the state is chosen as the instrument, which then acts as a tool of the proletariat to assert themselves over the burgeoisie, hence the term “dictatorship of the proletariat” (dotP). A succeeding socialist state brings the classes closer together until class contradictions dissolve and the material common interests align. At that point the ideals of anarchist and communist align as well.

    Re corruption I don’t know too much. I know Rosa Luxemburg has written about it too in her elaboration on the Russian revolution, I haven’t read it though. Ofc the Maoist “cultural revolution” was somewhat of a (failed) attempt to preemptively prevent corruption. Nowadays the communist party of China follows thought around “self-revolution” which is directed against corruption, but again: superficial knowledge.

  • I take it you disagree, that is your prerogative.

    For what its worth I didn’t see that I was in c/anarchism. Had I seen the question was asked from an anarchist view I wouldn’t have responded.

    I do believe what I wrote but I understand that it can come across as an insult here. And that was not my intention.

    but tankies are idiots

    I do think that is not a good take though, for one bc “tankie”, by now, is just a slur to prevent someone from being taken seriously and secondly bc I believe it is ignorant to disregard a Marxist analysis.

    As a Marxist has to answer to an anarchist critique of justification and potential corruption of a centralised power an Anarchist would do good to ponder on a materialist critique and socialization of production

  • Depends on who you ask. If you ask a Marxist they will probably tell you LibSoc has a similar goal as they have but will fall back into regular capitalism along the way.

    From a Marxist perspective LibSoc is Utopian Socialism (as opposed to Scientific Socialism) as it builds on ideals and doesn’t take into account an analysis of the material conditions and class struggle Marxists derive from it.

    More broadly ideals are seen by Marxists as a product of their time and its material conditions (historical materialism) and, since those material conditions brought forth the current burgeoisie, they are inherently biased towards it. (An example Engels gives is the self-evidence of private ownership in the philosophy of the so called “age of the enlightenment”, the prevalent racism and sexism in those philosophies would be other examples)

    In that context one could bring up that Anarchism (essentially a form of LibSoc) was used by the FBI in COINTELPRO to disrupt existing socialist movements, but in all fairness that was probably primarily done bc it was the best way to promote leftist infighting. Though I wager the FBI would never “support” ML in the same way to disrupt anarchism, so part of it must have been that anarchism is less threatening to existing power structures.

    I don’t intent to discredit LibSoc and anarchism I relate with their ideals and some implementations like mutual help. I do believe though that a Marxist critique and analysis is extremely valuable and should be studied by anachists and LibSocs alike.

  • Dude, take a break!

    I mean I completely disagree with you, but this thread can’t be healthy for you. What purpose is it serving to get enraged here?

    I’d say take a breather and if you dare: ask yourself how reliable your impression of China really is, maybe research some older claims that have been proven to be misrepresented or false, like this for example. Not saying you have to become a fan, but there seems to be a propaganda effort to prepare the public for a economic/military war with China. So more people need to be sceptical.

    You seem to haven’t accepted it yet, but the capitalist class, through the means of communication they control, construct most impressions you have of foreign countries (without them being able to interject) and facts are negligable as they have been in the news-medias support of every US war effort in history as well.

    I got a little carried away, but I meant it in good faith, you decided to wear a badge of socialism after all.

    What you do is obviously up to you!

  • psilocybin@discuss.tchncs.detoich_iel@feddit.deich🤨iel
    1 year ago

    Ich glaube der idiomatische weg communities zu teilen ist dieser:


    Ich habe gelesen es gäbe clients (das web interface evtl?!) die bei einem https link auf eine fremd-instanz den user nicht “mitnehmen”

    Edit: interessanterweise unterstüzt infinity diesen weg nicht, den https link aber schon. Jerboa kommt mit beiden klar

  • That’s wishful thinking.

    She can only crack so many games, so the demand for the other games already stays without supply.

    The scene was much bigger before denuvo, the supply obviously went down independently of the demand.

    Also the demand/supply argument only makes sense where there is payment. There are starving people in the world who’s demand is not met bc the can’t pay while there are millions of facelifts administered to people who will pay large sums.

    Denuvo has succeeded in imposing such a huge threshold onto cracking that from the talented people only the most driven stayed in the game. With no money in it you need to be driven by something else, usually ego. Even if there is a successor to empress chances are that is true for them as well.