• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • Think he means the music industry, like record labels, and not The Industry or capitalism as a whole. Amazon isn’t a significant player in the music industry, at least not in context of the post. The music industry is somewhat known to protect its artists even if they are sex predators. Kendrick is alleging that Drake is a pedophile enjoying the protection of said industry. He’s not rebelling against Amazon or crowds.

    I feel like Lemmy users are more prone to making things about The System when, often, it wasn’t about that to begin with. Also you left the share tracking in your link

  • Hi op, thanks for making this. My opinions of Reddit aside, this is a neat app.

    Is it possible to open a link from Reddit in this app, maybe with a Safari extension? The mobile site is dogshit and, because old reddit threads often provide the most useful solutions, I sometimes find myself struggling against that unusable site.

    I’d also suggest having collapsible sub groups separate from subscriptions, like Alien Blue did, since you have an AB reference in the colors. Back then, I liked having that so I could have groups for news, hobbies, etc. But without having to see the whole list. Seeing AB there reminded me of a lot of great features that app had.

  • where the prequels are an elaborate ad to sell more Starwars toys

    This is clearly not true, Lucas cared a lot about his story and universe. I say this hoping it helps effectively communicate points later: statements like that detract from your premise because they’re obviously false to an audience that knows and cares. It would be better (from a rhetorical standing) to double down on the poor storytelling allegations by acknowledging it as true instead, then going on to say that they were cinematic incoherence regardless.

    I haven’t seen a single one of the prequels in over a decade except RotS (which I thought was an interesting story but a poorly made film), but my dislike of the prequels is because they’re not good movies. My dislike of the sequels is that they were not good and were made to maximize profits.

    THe orginals do hold up, because Starwars was about classic adventure story. The character of Luke Skywalker… It’s the sort of timless story, just with a spin on it beeing a sci-fi world… The prequels and sequels completley missed that aspect of basic stoytelling.

    This is where I completely disagree. Movies should not be aiming to do only the classic adventure story over and over again, and the prequels weren’t bad because of the story. They actually had a pretty classic story too: an evil being corrupts a well-meaning but slow-to-react institution filled with self serving or incompetent representatives by manufacturing conflict to seize power. All the while the forces of good are distracted and unfocused by the chaos— and too sure that their institutions will not bend to tyranny— until it is too late. With a solid director, the prequels could have been excellent, and also perhaps a prophetic warning about complacent democracies.

  • A good point, but I personally see it like this: a small percent of humans created weapons of extreme destruction, then the small percent of humans with access to them still did not kill as many as they did back then. The faceless violence sucks, but weapons development was set to outpace peace development before every living human was born. Pretty soon everyone with access to those weapons will have simply inherited it, making them more capable of war but not more warlike.

  • This appears to be a political memes community, not a news one, and meme posts are not typically high effort. I’m not really a meme guy, this is likely my only comment on a meme community, but it doesn’t take expertise to see how snarky twitter twitter posts fit in the contemporary form of meme communities.

    Weird how prevalent things like this are on the internet. It’s a designated meme place and you’ll still find comments trying to assert superiority over meme people. Lemmy’s too small to have mass upvote bots so clearly people of the community enjoy it, just let them have their posts. Not getting a popular-to-some thing (I will admit I don’t understand this post either) doesn’t make you cooler or better than the community that does understand it. I bet there’s a niche something that one of your communities likes— would you want someone like you dropping in and saying this?

    And I get it: meme communities are kind of the lowest common denominator, though I’d argue that doesn’t make meme enjoyers lesser or worthy of ridicule. I’m not sure why I’m defending it either when yours is just one of millions of identical condescending comments, and I could’ve waited until tomorrow for the next guy to say this about a less popular niche that would be easier to speak up for.

  • Pretty sure it’s from watching him avoid real consequences for the past decade. I never want to assume he’ll actually be punished for once, cause the world will somehow rearrange itself to bail him out.

    Open and shut classified documents case? He gets a judge who would move the earth for him.

    That bond that could have bankrupted him? A court slashed the value to a mere fraction at the twelfth hour.

    The highest court of the land is openly corrupt and several of the members were appointed by him.

    Every single time I’ve thought “surely he can’t slither out of this one,” it becomes less than a footnote in the past few years. Just can’t bring myself to hope anymore. It feels like, even if he was sentenced and exhausted all appeals, he’d snatch the election victory and become king anyway, then pass that law making himself immune to prosecution in perpetuity.

    That said, I generally try to avoid normalizing it by moving the goalposts as you described. Usually I simply don’t comment, even irl, except to note the evidence and reasons he should face a consequence occasionally

  • Imo the main difference is that Target has tap to pay/QR code payment while Walmart pushes Walmart+’s payment methods. I tried W+ since it was free with one of my credit cards, and it’s still quite inconvenient.

    But otherwise, I largely agree. Targets feel a little nicer and they look better, but that hardly matters. If there were more Walmarts around me I’d go there instead sometimes. As much as I dislike the Waltons, Walmart sometimes has better selections than Target. Truthfully I’m morally for shoplifting from Walmart but don’t like committing crimes myself since there is risk involved.

  • Tangentially, some Target brand stuff really sucks. Anything with moving parts seems quite prone to breaking quickly. The food items I’ve tried are extremely low quality. One such item is their shredded mozzarella.

    Truly, it is the worst mozzarella I can think of. Tasted off and the texture was lightly rubbery. It also would not melt. Before they started botting the reviews (I assume; it is difficult to imagine real humans enjoying it), it was rated poorly on their own site. And still the reviews mention how it simply does not melt and is quite terrible.

    That fateful bag of horror made me start paying closer attention to the quality of Target brand items, and I have found it lacking. The foods I tried were bad— there was also a memorable bag of cookies, dusty in texture and taste. Also their foaming soap dispensers break consistently within months, though they’re otherwise quite nice.

    So as they pivot into store brand, I’d urge you exercise caution trying them. Buy a brand you like as well so you’re not left without, should it prove low quality. Walmart brand stuff is way better but there are far more Targets where I live.

  • This is my thinking for using .world. I don’t get all my news or interaction from Lemmy or the internet as a whole, and Lemmy is small enough that it has an almost zero impact on broader society. I respect those who try, but if my internet experience was antagonistic or frustrating I’d probably just stop using it.

    I also feel that conversations of that nature are best had in person, where there’s a higher chance of changing minds. I’ve no proof but it feels like internet discussions are taken less seriously and thus merely end before any opinion changing can occur.