They see like this all the time.

  • 30 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: December 2nd, 2021


  • His brain continues to turn to pudding. I’m convinced that him hinting he might drop out of the race was a small slip of him saying what he actually wants to do, deep down he’s just a tired,crazy old fuck. Then his handlers got in there and grabbed the reigns again and you see him do a 180 and say he’s absolutely not dropping from the race.

    There is a part of me that almost feels bad for him, as this is basically boiling down to elder abuse. Part of me also thinks this is absolutely the very minimal he deserves for a lifetime of evil and support of capitalism. Work you old fuck. Be tired and forced to stay awake for you masters. Be forced to work till your last breath.

  • Yes, UV-C bulbs fuck mold. I have one that creates ozone and one that doesn’t. The ozone bulb scares me but holy hell does it work well. I grew psychedelic mushrooms for about 18 months once and turned one of the rooms in my house I to a clean room. Never had any kind of mold contamination. The downside to the ozone is, other than being bad to breath, it corrodes stuff and will kill electronics. I had a router in the clean room and it died in like 4 months of running the bulb for 15 minutes a day. I eventually just started only using the non-ozone generating bulb. I don’t grow anything like that anymore so I just run it in the bathroom for like 30 minutes a night.

    I attach them to an old swing arm lamp so I can direct them if need be or just point it straight up to hit the whole room. I used it a lot during COVID and ran it over all our groceries and stuff. For a few minutes. I have UV glasses and would cover my skin. I would not even go in a room with the ozone bulb. Shits dangerous. I use them with extreme caution.

    They look like this

  • I saw this on the “collapse” subreddit or something similar. In general, the area I live in has always had issues with molds and it’s getting worse every year. Things go bad super fast. Food from the grocery store and such. If you make anything homemade, with no crazy preservatives, it’s growing mold in a few days. I blast UV-C light in my shower every night to keep it from growing mildew in-between cleans. I honestly don’t even want to think about what it’s doing to my body and lungs.

  • The thing is, what happens to all those nukes when it implodes? They won’t just go away. So long as they exist and some member of the oligarchy is in power, the world is at threat from them. It doesn’t matter how decrepit the military is. Is doesn’t matter if we run out of conventional bombs, planes, etc. so long as those nukes exist and there’s not a definitive way to stop them, then the world just isn’t safe from the US… And I think they know it too. The US that is. They want a nuclear war so bad. Everything they do makes it seem more and more like they want it sooo bad, they just want the excuse to do it before the world, China, actually does develop a defense capable to stopping it.