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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 27th, 2023


  • If there is a military target in a civilian household then it is ok to destroy it, they give warning and it is a war crime for Hamas to place the target their anyway. Terrorists and criminals would take over the world in a day if they could simply hide behind civilians. Do you know how many civilians were killed in WW2, in every war? Hamas is the one trying to maximize civilian casualties in gaza, Israel is trying to avoid them but it is ridiculous to think Israel would not respond to this. Why is it you people have nothing to say about pals when they deliberately target civilians and say oh their land is occupied but that Israel should not retaliate even when doing everything they can to target militants? It is disingenuous tactic to cry when civilians are killed as collateral damage but say nothing when they are deliberately targeted. Or maybe you are a victim of propaganda.

    You are ignorant of the facts, it’s not that there ‘might be’ a military target, it’s that they are known military targets in civilian areas, it is not disrupted that this is how Hamas operates. You keep employing this trope ‘aimed at children’ … It is the pals who endorse and specifically attack civilians, the IDF tries to avoid civilians.

  • The reasons the causalities are higher for the pals is that they are not able to kill as many people as they would like and they hide behind civilians. IDF targets terrorists, Hamas hides behind civilians, Hamas targets civilians.

    And the reason gaza is under blockade is because they have previously used all their resources for terrorism.

    And if you go back you can see that the genesis of this conflict.is explicit - that these are Islamic fascist who against any non Muslim state of any dimensions and will fight it to the death. Jews are the natives of the land , for hundreds of years there were laws against Jews in Israel as well as every other Muslim country. When Jews immigrated in the 20th century they did not displace anyone and infact their development caused many migrants to move to the land. The intolerant Muslims were against any Jews in the land and they went to war over there existence and that when they were displaced. Imagine being so bigoted that you go to war against the natives of the land, who do you think built Jerusalem or Hebron or Nazareth ?

  • They don’t have to tell them to evacuate, hamas attacked and started a war, there’s a war, they’re not tied to a post.

    There is no conceivable way that there wouldn’t be a war after what Hamas did.

    And you can use the typical pal trope of what about what Israel did before… And the fact of the matter is if you want to trace this conflict to it’s genesis its that pals follow a fascist Islamic ideology which is opposed to any Jewish state.of any form and no Jewish presence anywhere in the land. They are fascist. They have launched war and terrorists attacks , have been defeated and restrained and their only recourse is to hide behind children and play the victim, yell slogans to affect weak minded people.

    The Jews have always been willing to live in peace, live with a Palestinian state, live with arabs in the state of Israel. The Muslims have openly opposed any peace with Jews. Jews are the natives of the land and the Muslims have said even if an area is completely abandoned, a swamp or a desert, that Jews cannot be there, they are ok with Muslims from any other part of the world being there, they are ok with no one there, but not Jews who are the natives of the land. They are fascist. Imagine caring about the ‘character of the land’ and seeking to exclude Jews… It is a mosque built on top of the Jewish temple, Islam is the occupier. You see the fascist Muslims fight like this against the Jews as well as many other people in many countries, you are reflexive and weak minded if you are sympathetic to them when they complain about losing the wars they start, hiding behind children for propagana

    Are you a woman lady autumn? Do you have any idea what it’s like to be a woman in a fascist islamic regime? That in Iran and Gaza they kill women who don’t wear their head scarfs, will kill them if they talk to a man, what do you think their marriages are like? They are misogynistic and it’s no wonder they have such an easy time recruiting terrorists

  • Your premise that there is land which is reserved for arabs is false. If there is empty land Jews can live there. I don’t care for the idea that arabs live freely in Israel with equal rights while in the west bank, or Jordan, or Iraq Jews cannot live there, have equal rights and in fact would be killed.

    You have had 75 yrs against Israel legitimacy and Israel has to take steps for security. Israel is tiny. Why can’t Jordan, which is a part of Palestine give land to the Palestinians or the state of Israel? Why was the entire land of Jordan given to ‘the heshimite family’ who are not even native to the land ?

    It is clear to anyone clear thinking person that islamic outlook is fascist and has been at open war against Jews and non Muslims for decades and centuries. And that they have been defeated, are the losers, and now peddle this pathetic propaganda and it takes root because of weak minded people whose thoughts are based on childish slogans that are recited in unison, have you read 1984?

    This is why the media is so highly censored in these places, that they scream over any debate, they are violent fascists, relying on censorship and propaganda, using any means to advance their idiotic religious agenda.

  • A bronze era fairy tale? It historical fact that Jews lived in Israel for thousands of years and built all the cities from there.

    Jews started immigrating to Palestine in the 1800s and it’s that point that many of the current arabs immigrated as well as the Jews developed the land. The arabs did not care if a Muslim immigrated from Iraq but were against a Jew from Iraq because they are fascist.

    At the behest of arabs the British who controlled Palestine restricted Jewish immigration, and yes WW2 refugees lived in camps in Cyprus for 5 years because no one would take them. That is why there had to be a specifically Jewish state. In 1948 the UN partition plan taking a small piece of Palestine for a Jewish state where arabs could live freely and equally and not be displaced was accepted by the Jews and the arabs went to war over it.

    Jews are the natives of the land, it is so asinine that Muslims who have entirely Muslim countries from Morocco to Pakistan would be in hysterics over this thing. You see the way they destroy historical artifacts in Afghanistan, Iran, these are the most belligerent, fascist and anti semitic people.

    What other example in the world is there an example of people who are native to the land being barred from living there?

  • Because if you know the history you know that it is the pals who are belligerent and have instigated every conflict guided by islamic fascism, that their can be no non Muslim nation in the middle east (and later on for the world)

    Obviously Jews have a reason for living in the land, Jews are the natives of the land , you can see in Jerusalem there is a mosque built on top of the Jewish temple, I don’t think it’s hard to figure out who the colonizer is.

    Most of history is reaction to another thing… But if you look up the 1948nparririon plan you will see that Israel was willing to accept a tiny Jewish state on land which was largely uninhabited and the inhabited part Jewish. The arabs went to war against it under the premise there can be no Jewish state. Preceding the state of Israel there were laws against Jewish immigration and discriminatory laws against Jews in every Muslim country.

    Palestine was not a nation in any sense, there were many groups of people and one side of the land had nothing to do with another. Jordan was part of Palestine as was given the the ‘heshimite’ family which is not from there and no one seems to mind.

    So it is clear the opposition to a Jewish state on any form is based in bigoted Islamic fascism, I don’t know how this couldn’t be clear to someone when you see what the Muslims have done to Christians in Lebanon and syria, Hindus in India, and to each other in the Syrian cival war, iran-iraq war etc…

    You can see over the years Israel has made many concessions for peace, offered Palestinian states many times, has RESTRAINED military responses. What steps have the pals ever taken towards peace? They receive millions in aid and use it to build rockets. How asinine can you be to claim to care about the ‘history of the land’ and seek to exclude Judaism? Jews are the natives of the land, arabs and islam are from arabia. It would be like being in genocidal hysterics over indian reservations.

    The people supporting pals are Islamic fascists and slogan yelling clueless teenagers