• 2 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 27th, 2023


  • We’ve been in these situations before, albeit in smaller scale, the formula still works the same. And it never ends up well for the “ruling class”. It’ll probably take a lot of fuckery before the world unites in the class struggle, but when that happens we’ll know what to do. Just look at what human nature does in natural disasters - we collaborate, cooperate, and rebuild. We will do the same in the future.

  • I mean I can agree with the idea that if Americans did a Gaddafi on Republicans and Democrats then things would be different, hell, things would change tomorrow if Americans really wanted it, these people have names and addresses. Where I disagree is that calls for violence is bad but only because we’re supposed to say violence is the wrong approach. Maybe elections played by their rules will work in our favor someday (lol).

  • I thought it was just bots on reddit saying this Hasbara pro-IDF Nazi-esque genocide justification but there are actually people everywhere thinking like this. We truly live in dark times. IDF are engineering something worse than fuckin Leningrad in WW2, and there are soooo many people openly defending it, I can’t believe people can be so simultaneously heartless and brainless just KILL KILL KILL. It’s like a nightmare I can’t wake up from.

  • If I were to turn on my Machiavellian reptile brain and looked at this situation (from what I’ve read) as if this was a game or something…

    Israel is kinda like The West’s attack/guard dog in the Middle East. That dog is getting out of control. The only leash that The West has on Israel is their funding, remove the funding and they remove the leash, and now we’ve got an out of control dog with nukes and no leash. It may not seem like the leash isn’t doing much to control it but it’s far better than letting the dog loose. Especially considering how powerful the dog is, how it seems to have more control over The West than the other way around, might have to do with all the religious leadership on both sides looking forward to the red cow they’re sacrificing this month, maybe their prophecy of a “second coming” and (nuclear) fire raining from the sky to end humanity is kinda the point.

    I’m going to stop the reptile brain before it mentions how we typically deal with bad dogs that can’t be tamed, because god forbid THAT’S taking things too far.

  • We allow and are complicit in these murders for every day we stand by and let our leaders do the murdering. If another attack happens on US citizens a la 9/11 then I will not be shocked or surprised, we have it coming. It’s literally a sake of national security that we remove our current leadership from power, otherwise we’re literally inviting a retaliation with blindfolds on.

  • Dude anyone defending Israel at this point is devoid of humanity. This guy literally shrugs off aide workers being murdered with precision strikes, let alone thousands of innocent deaths. They’ve demonstrated their belief that 1,500 Israeli lives are significantly more important than 32,000+ Palestinians. “They’re killing less every day” lie as if it’s a good thing, makes me sick. The amount of time they take to write out their long-winded comments excusing mass murder is fucking shocking, and I can’t believe people like them actually exist. Israel could nuke New York, say it was Hamas, and this brainwashed idiot would believe it even if their own family was killed in that strike.