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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • The cats are playing with toys they never touched at the old place. Maybe it’s more fun on the polished boards.
    Talking of polished boards, I got a couple of sheepskin rugs for the bedroom as cold boards before slippers is 🥶. I would have thought the cats would be disporting themselves on them with minutes. Nope. Zooks only walked across one to love up to my sneakers, and Sammi so far has carefully walked around one. Cats…

  • Was my night for the weird dreams - can’t remember the details of the first but there was some sort of seminar or similar being run or at least facilitated by the estate agent who sold the house. Mum was in it as well and I think surprised herself and everyone else by how well she was doing.
    Second one I do remember was there was some sort of queue at what looked like the op shop where I donated a lot of the excess when I was cleaning out the place, and it was for a type of ice cream made in this really weird way that I doubt is possible, and a Karen type at the head of the line was having a rant because she didn’t think it should be available so no-one else should have it. You know the type.

  • Had a productive day: caught up with the real estate agents who sold me this place and checked out a place that had been suggested but came onto the market too late to suit. (This one is definitely better.) Then started tackling the boxes of kitchen stuff that are still unpacked as well as reorganising the kitchen. Then felt like a break and a bahn mi so I got that via another OFI in the block of units where I made my first offer and got pipped at the post. And had no trouble walking at a medium pace three times for about 15 minutes, so yay!